LDA23-0057 Griesbach Battalion Square

Engagement has concluded

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You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from July 10 until July 31, 2023.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from July 10 until July 31, 2023.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Tell Us What You Think About The Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Please note you must provide a screen name and email on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback. However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential. All comments go through an automated moderation process, and may take up to 1-2 hours to publicly appear on the website.

If you are unable to provide feedback on this site, you may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page. Please refrain from commenting on the site, and providing a duplicate comment to the planner. It is not necessary to do both in order for feedback to be captured.

Engagement has concluded

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

As a resident living in the direct vicinity of the former Police Training centre, I am in complete disagreement with this project. Not only is the planned proposal far too large for the area outlined, but one of the primary concerns is the lack of warning given to residents/ new residents. Had we been warned of this potential development when building, we likely would've reconsidered as this is not the idea of a quiet neighborhood we envisioned. Though shops and businesses are good for the area, there are plenty in Griesbach and more that have yet to open, there is no need for more. As far as residential 6 storey buildings, it's great to see residential expansions, but this area is far too small for it. Not only is this project too large for the area, but it is simply not fitting of the illusion created for the residents and their families. The apartment complexes will be massive and tower over the current homes, the surrounding streets and alleys will be over crowded with vehicular traffic, creating infinite risks for pedestrians and playing children. When I think of our current neighborhood, I do not foresee this being a positive addition nor do I see any of us benefiting from it.

There are more than enough amenities for all to walk to and a huge variety of businesses in and out of Griesbach for residents to benefit from. I hardly see how it is fair to point out the "amenities within walking distance" when in reality, they will be in our backyards. This is not an attractive feature at all.

As pointed out by multiple other members of the community, it is very obvious that this is not a welcome addition and most have provided very sound reasoning. It would be in the best interest of the city to listen to the opinions of the residents who will be living in the shadow of this project. This beautiful area and community will lose its character, homes and gardens will be shaded by these large buildings and businesses, our backyards will be overlooking stores and more apartment complexes. This is not what we envisioned when building and I can confidently say my fellow neighbors agree, this is not the sense of community we were striving for.

StephR. 10 months ago

I am extremely opposed to this re-zoning request on the basis of the negative implications that has on its immediate neighbors. A 6 story building is not appropriate for that lot size as well as the fact that a building of that size would eclipse all surrounding properties. How these projects affect adjacent property values should be carefully considered as purchasing a home is a huge financial investment. Home owners are powerless to change their situation as it is not easy to move or resell property, so it is the responsibility of the City to ensure that the approval of rezoning requests are appropriate and provide a net good to those surrounding it.

Luc D, a registered landscape architect, has already provided very thorough feedback regarding why that site should not be rezoned. With Luc being a subject matter expert, as well as a member of the community, I believe their feedback should be heavily considered.

H.T. 10 months ago

Strong no to this proposal! We were attracted to this community for years and finally moved here. Now it is shifting from a quiet family community especially with this proposed project to a congested traffic, parking nightmare, increased noise issue and destruction of sight lines for those close to the site. How many times has rezoning been approved for more elevated buildings? There has to be a point of over loading the community. This could be it!

Stacy Frigon 10 months ago

This is project is a no-brainer, and I highly support it. This proposal will have extremely good access to future transit and is within the spirit of the City Plan. More density and a better commercial mix will make the area far more vibrant and desirable overall. The proposal includes a thoughtful re-use of an existing structure, respecting its embodied carbon, and the residential component is a reasonable height and density for the location.
In Edmonton, we have a terrible habit of pushing multi-family development onto large, congested roadways - it is refreshing to see a multi-family development proposed within a more peaceful setting.

GG 10 months ago

I understand the need for density within the city however this proposal seems to be very poorly thought out and only done for the sake of density. The current residents should be taken into account. There are definitely better places within the community to place a 6 storey property. All the extra congestion brought in from these condos affect traffic safety and also bring in much unwanted noise from the vehicles. Townhomes or a much shorter condo might make more sense as to not overshadow the home directly adjacent to the property. Alternatively why aren't we looking at different spaces to increase density? There is definitely a large amount of space on the north east quadrant of Griesbach.

Rhlc 10 months ago

This is the first time I have seen this proposal and it is the last day to voice concern. Thus building would be better utilized as a community centre. The densification in Griesbach will make traffic an absolute nightmare. I am opposed to this development especially since it has been done on the sly. Do better!

Henry Pietrzykowski 10 months ago

We live on Juchli, just a couple of blocks from this pending development, and it seems like at every turn there are proposals to increase commercial space in this area. There's already a mixed use center approved on the Southwest corner, where the future LRT Station will go, that's about 4 or 5 blocks from this proposed 6 story unit. Although the commercial unit on the Southwest corner isn't even completed, just from the added residents in the triplexes, we've seen a big increase in noise and vehicles over the past 6 to 9 months. This was not what we had wanted when we built our home, we were sold the idea of something like Glenora, something Laurier Height, low density residential area perfect for young families. Please reconsider this proposal, and as many suggested keeping the facility as it is, for recreational use, gymnasium, skating rink, will also honor the original building.

Atsang 10 months ago

Here we go again. The city does this to make it seem like we actually have a voice and they will consider our concerns. They will proceed no matter what! I have attended a public engagement meeting before and was told by a legal professional that no matter what these projects will be approved.It is Very disappointing!!

Mpiper 10 months ago

Just make regular housing, this will overcrowd the neighborhood with too many cars and heavy traffic leaving our limited exits to the main roadways.

Ross 10 months ago

I would like to express my concern for the development proposed. The high-density development will increase traffic congestion on an interior part of the neighborhood. This will increase traffic noise as well as pedestrian safety risk. There would also be increased demand for parking to support this which would end up with more cars parked on the street. While I understand the need for higher density housing, townhouses would be a more appropriate option given the already high number of multi-storey development happening in the neighborhood. I do not support this proposal. Thank you.

D.hab 10 months ago

Not completely convinced this is a good idea, while I see the perks I think it has more cons than pros. It will become extremely loud, noisy and congested. I do prefer the idea of a small community indoor farmers market instead, or ... A recreational space. A gym or wellness/yoga center would be nice. Makes sense with the ice rink, and the eventual school coming..

SC92 10 months ago

The residential aspect of this rezoning is a significant and troubling departure from original plans and the design approach up to this point. A 6 storey, 23 meter high apartment and commercial building is domineering and overbearing. This is the aspect of the plan I hope will be amended.

MP 10 months ago

6 stories is too big in this community. The roadways in and out of this community are going to be overwhelmed with that level of high density housing. Don't allow rezoning to commercial, use it for recreation (community hall or sports center).

C111 10 months ago

Without further info this is a negative decision. Griesbach is seeing an increase in homelessness, crime, excess noise and garbage caused my outsiders and this expansion will only intensify these issues. Further evaluation is required before any steps are taken.

Living the dream 10 months ago

As a person who has trained out of that building, I disagree with this proposal. The William Griesbach training centre is the only standing building with a history left. To change it to accommodate a shopping complex would be a dishonour to the countless military personnel and police who trained there. Secondly adding a 6 story apartment complex to that location will cram the area with more traffic then the street and community can hold. Griesbach has a unique and historic feeling about it and with the continued building of high rise buildings you are destroying that.

Repurpose the training centre into a community hall for events as we currently don’t have one, but do not put another high rise building in our community.

Baptista 10 months ago

The density of residents in this area is already quite high and with the hope of a future school and the commercial area already existing in this area of the Griesbach Community, a 6 story complex like this will added much added stress to the infrastructure around that space.

The old training centre and surrounding area should be used for a much needed community centre for Griesbach residents as the spaces and opportunities for such a vital central point for the community are sparse and this space near the future school and upcoming ice rink would be ideal.
Thank you for considering these points and those of my neighbours.

Tiff 10 months ago

NO NO NO! A ridiculous development proposed for this neighbourhood. The proposed construction is too big for the area
it will bring excessive ttraffic into the area, and will create senseless noise and pollution. There are already commercial developments all over Griesbach, not to mention the giant 6 storey building across the field from this. Is the developer painting a picture that is true? Doubtfully
Input? Ha , it doesn't matter, the developers get what they want and residents opinions don't count anyways.

Nel 10 months ago

Please stop rezoning every piece of land in Griesbach!! This is not the picture that was painted when we built our family home here. If this one comes to fruition it could be the final blow that sends us out of Edmonton entirely.

Danderson 10 months ago

I do not support this project. Griesbach is in great need for a community centre and this would be an awesome use of the old building.

Debbie Pietrzykowsk 10 months ago

Bad idea. The volume of traffic within the Neighbourhood is not welcomed. Too many vehicles speed through Sir Arthur Currie Way now making it a safety issue. Having a 6 story building takes away from the community feeling which was what drew me to this neighbourhood. There are enough transients and theft in the area. Not very happy with the application and hope the City declines it.

Concerned Griesbach resident 10 months ago