103A Avenue and 99 Street Streetscape and Underground Pedway

Consultation has concluded

***This discussion has concluded. A what we heard report will be posted when available.***

Project Background

Downtown revitalization is underway. Planning and design continues on two projects that will enhance the pedestrian and cyclist experience in downtown Edmonton, and add an essential link to the city’s underground pedway system. 

A new streetscape to revitalize 103A Avenue between 101 Street and 97 Street, and 99 Street between 102A Avenue and 103A Avenue is currently in the preliminary design phase. An all new underground pedway connection under 99 Street from Churchill Capital Line LRT station (at 102A Avenue) to the upcoming Station Lands development (at 104 Avenue) will also be constructed (as a separate project).

The first round of public engagement was held between July 24 and August 21 2023, when the 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape project was in the concept design phase and the 99 Street underground pedway project was in the preliminary design phase. A what we heard report is available now from this engagement. The 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape project has advanced to preliminary design, and the underground pedway is now in detailed design. Current designs are based on technical and design requirements, as well as public and stakeholder feedback from the previous phase.

Please review the following streetscape and pedway design booklets, then provide your feedback below.

Streetscape (design booklet)

A colour map of 103A Avenue and 99 street showing the project boundaries and planned tree plantings for the streetscape area

Image #1: 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape overall plan

Share your thoughts with the Project Team regarding the proposed 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape concept designs. Is there anything about the design you specifically like, dislike or think may be missing? Your submitted comments will be posted below.

Pedway (design booklet)

A grayscale map with the overall view of the proposed pedway in relation to its surrounding landmarks

Image #2: 99 Street pedway overall design

A colour map showing an above ground ariel view showing the proposed pedway location

Image #3: 99 Street pedway (Aerial view) overall design

Share your thoughts with the project team regarding the proposed underground pedway. Is there anything about the design you specifically like, dislike or think may be missing? Your submitted comments will be posted below.

***This discussion has concluded. A what we heard report will be posted when available.***

Project Background

Downtown revitalization is underway. Planning and design continues on two projects that will enhance the pedestrian and cyclist experience in downtown Edmonton, and add an essential link to the city’s underground pedway system. 

A new streetscape to revitalize 103A Avenue between 101 Street and 97 Street, and 99 Street between 102A Avenue and 103A Avenue is currently in the preliminary design phase. An all new underground pedway connection under 99 Street from Churchill Capital Line LRT station (at 102A Avenue) to the upcoming Station Lands development (at 104 Avenue) will also be constructed (as a separate project).

The first round of public engagement was held between July 24 and August 21 2023, when the 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape project was in the concept design phase and the 99 Street underground pedway project was in the preliminary design phase. A what we heard report is available now from this engagement. The 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape project has advanced to preliminary design, and the underground pedway is now in detailed design. Current designs are based on technical and design requirements, as well as public and stakeholder feedback from the previous phase.

Please review the following streetscape and pedway design booklets, then provide your feedback below.

Streetscape (design booklet)

A colour map of 103A Avenue and 99 street showing the project boundaries and planned tree plantings for the streetscape area

Image #1: 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape overall plan

Share your thoughts with the Project Team regarding the proposed 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape concept designs. Is there anything about the design you specifically like, dislike or think may be missing? Your submitted comments will be posted below.

Pedway (design booklet)

A grayscale map with the overall view of the proposed pedway in relation to its surrounding landmarks

Image #2: 99 Street pedway overall design

A colour map showing an above ground ariel view showing the proposed pedway location

Image #3: 99 Street pedway (Aerial view) overall design

Share your thoughts with the project team regarding the proposed underground pedway. Is there anything about the design you specifically like, dislike or think may be missing? Your submitted comments will be posted below.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Share your thoughts with the project team regarding the proposed 103A Avenue and 99 Street streetscape preliminary design and 99 Street underground pedway design.  Is there anything about the proposed designs you specifically like, dislike, or think the Project Team may have missed? 

    You may provide feedback on the streetscape design, pedway design or both projects in this comment space.

    Your submitted comments will be posted below.