***The digital public engagement phase has concluded, thank you for providing feedback for consideration. A What We Heard Report which summarizes the feedback received will soon be shared.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQsvisit these FAQs(External link) for Council meetings.***

The City of Edmonton is seeking public feedback on the designation of an Entertainment District on 104 Street between Jasper Avenue and 104 Avenue. This designation would allow for the extension of food and alcohol service into the street when the roadway is closed. This would make it easier to activate the area, help to bring vibrancy to the neighborhood and support local businesses that have invested in 104 Street.

Anyone who works, lives, or plays Downtown is encouraged to participate in our five-minute online survey to provide their feedback on the proposed Entertainment District.

Learn More

At this time, the Entertainment District rules would be activated whenever the road is closed with permission from the City of Edmonton. Outside of these circumstances, patrons could not bring liquor outside from a licensed establishment and consume it in the street or on the sidewalks.

Yes. If you decide to leave an establishment within the Entertainment District and venture into the closed street to enjoy an event or activity, businesses would provide you with a plastic to-go cup to bring your alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage with you. Similarly, food can be taken out onto the street using to-go containers provided by the business.

No. Only alcohol purchased from one of the licensed establishments within the Entertainment District can be consumed within the public space.

No. Anyone found with open alcohol outside the boundaries of the Entertainment District will be asked to dispose of it and may be fined. Onsite security will ensure that drinks are not leaving the district.

At this time, the alcohol consumption rules that come with the Entertainment District bylaw will not be activated permanently. While subject to change, the expectation is the rules will only be activated when the roadway is closed with permission from the City of Edmonton.

Yes, any special event that is permitted to use the closed roadway and activate the Entertainment District will be required to provide on site security as part of their licence agreement.

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Submit a question below to the Project Team or see what others have been asking. Answers are posted within 5-10 business days of submission.

Please Notes:

  • You must register on Engaged Edmonton to ask a question.
  • Questions below will go directly to the Project Team who are leading this project.
  • Questions will not appear on the Engaged Edmonton page below until they have been answered.

If you are unable or would prefer not to provide feedback or ask questions publicly on this site, you may also do so directly to the Project Team directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.

Please avoid asking your question in two different places, such as emailing the planner as well as posting on this site. It is not necessary to do both in order for feedback to be captured, and may delay response times.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Jenny Baker

Downtown Vibrancy Coordinator

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Complete The Survey

We want to hear from you! Please provide your feedback via the survey below by Tuesday, December 17, 2024. If you have general comments, questions, or concerns, please email the Downtown Vibrancy Team at downtown@edmonton.ca