Public Spaces Bylaw Review
Engagement has concluded
**This engagement opportunity is now closed. Thank you to those who provided input into this project. The What We Heard Report, Appendix A: Survey Demographics and Appendix B: GBA+ Analysis on Survey Results are now available.***
Share your thoughts on the Public Spaces Bylaws Review
The City of Edmonton is conducting a review of the City’s three primary public spaces bylaws - Public Places Bylaw, Parkland Bylaw and Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw - to replace them with a comprehensive, new bylaw that allows for clear, effective and equitable application of bylaw and enforcement measures.
You’re invited to learn more about the Public Spaces Bylaw review and share your feedback. We want to know what is most important to consider around how the City regulates how and when people can do certain activities and behaviours in public spaces in Edmonton.
How to get involved?
The following engagement opportunities are open from May 8 until May 21, 2023.
- Learn More about the Public Spaces Bylaw review, how feedback is used and next steps
- Ask a Question to Administration on any questions you have about the Public Spaces Bylaw review
- Survey: Share your thoughts on the Public Spaces Bylaw review though a survey
- Share your Ideas on how you want to feel in public spaces in Edmonton through the ideas tool
What Happens Next
Feedback received during public engagement has been summarized and is now available in a What We Heard Report (and Appendix). Key themes heard from Edmontonians include safety, enforcement, support for Edmontonians in vulnerable circumstances, disruption or prevention from using public spaces, and maintenance and cleanliness of public spaces.
The feedback in the What We Heard Report will be used along with technical analysis (including enforcement considerations, legal recommendations and scan of what other jurisdictions are doing) to help Administration review the bylaws and provide a recommendation to Council.
Engagement has concluded