***The discussion has concluded, thank you for providing feedback for consideration. A What We Heard Report that summarizes the feedback is now available.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs(External link) for Council meetings.***

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from October 1 until October 14, 2024.

  • Learn More about the application, how feedback is used and next steps
  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions document. If your question has not been answered, Ask a Question to the Project Planner any questions you have about the application
  • Share Your Thoughts about the application

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

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{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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Share your thoughts

Tell Us What You Think About The Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments. Please note you must register on Engaged Edmonton to provide feedback. Only your username will be displayed publicly, all other contact information is kept confidential. All comments go through an automated moderation process.

If you are unable to provide feedback on this site, you may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.

Please avoid providing your feedback in two different places, such as emailing the planner as well as posting on this site. It is not necessary to do both in order for feedback to be captured and may delay response times.