Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw

July 2, 2024

The City of Edmonton is renewing the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw (Bylaw 13145) to promote responsible pet ownership and ensure safe, healthy neighbourhoods.

Public engagement for this project is being conducted in two phases. Phase 1, held from May to November 2023, gathered initial insights. Thank you to those who provided input into Phase 1. The What We Heard Report and Research Summary are now available.

Phase 2 engagement is now underway!

Share your input on the Animal Licensing Purr-mits and Leash Laws (General Licensing and Control) and several other key topic areas. We want to hear from all residents about their experiences and insights regarding animal licensing and control in Edmonton.

The following engagement opportunities are open from July 2 - August 11, 2024:

Learn More about the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw Renewal Project and how feedback will be used to shape the renewed bylaw.

July 2, 2024

The City of Edmonton is renewing the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw (Bylaw 13145) to promote responsible pet ownership and ensure safe, healthy neighbourhoods.

Public engagement for this project is being conducted in two phases. Phase 1, held from May to November 2023, gathered initial insights. Thank you to those who provided input into Phase 1. The What We Heard Report and Research Summary are now available.

Phase 2 engagement is now underway!

Share your input on the Animal Licensing Purr-mits and Leash Laws (General Licensing and Control) and several other key topic areas. We want to hear from all residents about their experiences and insights regarding animal licensing and control in Edmonton.

The following engagement opportunities are open from July 2 - August 11, 2024:

Learn More about the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw Renewal Project and how feedback will be used to shape the renewed bylaw.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
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    Feedback from Phase 1 engagement helped identify key issues such as the need for clearer definitions, enhanced enforcement and greater public education on the bylaw. Now, we need your input to refine these areas and ensure the revised bylaw creates a safe environment for all Edmontonians and their pets.

    Please share your thoughts on the current Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw

    What is most important to you for the City to consider when renewing the current bylaw? 

    What is your best advice as we move forward? 

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