Anti-Racism Advisory Panel

As part of the Council-approved Anti-racism Strategy, a recommendation was made for an Independent Anti-Racism Body. An Independent Anti-Racism Advisory Panel (the Panel) has been working with the Office of the City Manager, to provide recommendations on how best to create the Independent Anti-Racism Body (the Body). The Panel is composed of a cross-section of Edmontonians from diverse communities and intersectional identities with lived experience.

The Panel invites you to participate in community engagement from June 7 until July 7, 2024. This is an opportunity to provide your insights and feedback on our draft recommendations to advance the Anti-racism Strategy. Your voice is crucial in guiding the development of impactful anti-racism initiatives in our city. We will use your insights to propose how an Independent Body can be formed, structured, governed and financed.

Click here to learn more about the Panel

Blue Button that says Tell Us What You Think Online Survey

As part of the Council-approved Anti-racism Strategy, a recommendation was made for an Independent Anti-Racism Body. An Independent Anti-Racism Advisory Panel (the Panel) has been working with the Office of the City Manager, to provide recommendations on how best to create the Independent Anti-Racism Body (the Body). The Panel is composed of a cross-section of Edmontonians from diverse communities and intersectional identities with lived experience.

The Panel invites you to participate in community engagement from June 7 until July 7, 2024. This is an opportunity to provide your insights and feedback on our draft recommendations to advance the Anti-racism Strategy. Your voice is crucial in guiding the development of impactful anti-racism initiatives in our city. We will use your insights to propose how an Independent Body can be formed, structured, governed and financed.

Click here to learn more about the Panel

Blue Button that says Tell Us What You Think Online Survey

  • A new Independent Anti-Racism Body (the Body) for Edmonton is being formed as part of the City of Edmonton’s Anti-racism Strategy. A community-based Advisory Panel (the Panel) has been working with the Office of the City Manager to guide the creation of this new Body.

    The Panel seeks your input on draft recommendations that will help advance the City’s Anti-racism Strategy. 

    Please take a few moments to complete the following survey questions on the Panel’s draft recommendations. The Panel thanks you for your time and feedback.

    Take Survey