This is your budget.

Tell us what matters most to you.

*This engagement opportunity is now CLOSED. Learn more about the feedback shared in the What We Heard report.

The City of Edmonton is building your new four-year budget to take us from the start of 2023 to the end of 2026.

The budget is the plan for how tax dollars and other funding will be invested to provide the services Edmontonians count on, as well as to build and maintain roads, bridges, recreation centres and other important City facilities.

We want to build a budget that meets your needs while balancing what’s actually possible given the current economic realities and pandemic recovery.

The new four-year budget will be about trade-offs, and the City and Council need to know what is important to you in order to adapt and finalize it.

How to get involved

Your experience living in this city matters! Each of us brings unique insight in how City services and programs make a difference in our lives.

We want to make it easy for Edmontonians to provide their input on the budget. Our online engagement will make it easy for many Edmontonians to share their feedback anytime, anywhere. We’re also reaching out to groups whose voices may otherwise be missed.

Join us from June 23 to July 17 in the following ways:

Participate in the Balance the Budget Tool (see below), where you can tell us what matters most to you, suggest what you would change, make trade-offs with a real City budget by increasing or decreasing spending, or maintaining and holding, all depending on your priorities.

Think Big Picture (see below) - share your ideas about what the City should be paying attention to when making budgeting decisions.

Tough Choices Survey (see below) - complete this survey to provide your perspective that will support the City in making tough budget choices.

How feedback will be used

Feedback will inform budget development and be shared with City Council this fall to inform their decision-making.

Balance the Budget Tool

Balance the Budget Tool

*This engagement opportunity is now CLOSED. A What We Heard summary will be posted when available.

Participate in the Balance the Budget Tool, where you can tell us what matters most to you, suggest what you would change, make trade-offs with a real City budget by increasing or decreasing spending, or maintaining and holding, all depending on your priorities.

Engagement has concluded

Think Big Picture

Tough Choices Survey

The Tough Choices Survey has now concluded

Learn More About the City Budget
