CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

A representation of the public engagement spectrum which shows the four roles of the public possible in City of Edmonton public engagement activities. A solid bar with four colour sections each one representing a different role of the public. From left to right on the bar: light blue is advise, teal is refine, purple is create and red is decide. The public is being asked to advise so the light blue portion of the bar which represents advise has the word advise bolded on it.

The role of the public when participating in engagement activities for proposed rezonings and text amendments is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum. This means that the City will use any feedback you share to:

  • Inform the City’s planning analysis and ensure all factors are taken into consideration

  • Summarize feedback for City Council so they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision at Public Hearing

A What We Heard report that summarises the feedback received is posted online and provided to the Ward Councillor as well as anyone who registers and provides feedback through this page or by contacting the file planner directly.

City planners use the Public Engagement Charter as a guide when determining what type of engagement activities are most appropriate to help inform their projects.

Engagement has concluded

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