

8 May 2024

Public Hearing

This project is anticipated to go to City Council for a decision at Public Hearing in Fall 2024. Notices are sent to all property owners within a minimum of 60 metres of the rezoning sites in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw. In addition, notices of Public Hearing are sent to affected community leagues and business associations advising them of the Public Hearing date and how to participate.

Register to Speak to Council or Submit Comments

Public Hearings are an important part of the engagement process for rezonings. Once the hearing agenda is posted, members of the public can register to speak at the City Council Public Hearing to share their views on the proposed rezoning directly with the Council.

Written comments can also be submitted to City Council through the Office of the City Clerk. Edmontonians can also watch the Public Hearing online.

If the project is approved by Council, Administration will implement the program, including reaching out to landowners who operate surface parking lots to notify them of their permit requirements.