LDA22-0382 Transit Oriented Development - Clareview Town Centre

Engagement has concluded

This application is open for feedback between August 15, 2022 and September 5, 2022.


Proposed Rezoning

The City has received an application to rezone the properties at 345 Clareview Station Drive NW; 4810 - 142 Avenue NW; and 3903, 4203 and 4223 - 144 Avenue NW for future redevelopment. The map below shows the existing and proposed zones.

proposed rezoning map

Proposed Rezoning Map

The proposed rezoning is from (DC1) Direct Development Control Provision, (DC2.701) and (DC2.702) Site Specific Development Control Provisions, and (AP) Public Parks Zone to the (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone, (RF5) Row Housing Zone, (CB1) Low Intensity Business Zone, (AP) Public Parks Zone, and (PU) Public Utility Zone. The proposed zones would allow for the following types of development:

RA8 Zone:

  • medium rise multi-unit housing;
  • a maximum height of 23.0 metres;
  • a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 3.3;
  • a minimum density of 75 residential units per hectare; and
  • opportunities for commercial development at ground level.

illustration of multi-unit housing

Example of what medium rise multi-unit housing with a maximum height of 23.0 m (approximately 6 stories) and minimum density of 75 units/hectare could look like.

RF5 Zone:

  • row housing;
  • a maximum height of 10.0 metres;
  • a maximum total site coverage of 50 per cent; and
  • a minimum density of 35 residential units per hectare.

illustration of row housing

Example of what row housing with a maximum height of 10.0 m (approximately 2.5 stories) and minimum density of 35 units/hectare could look like.

CB1 Zone:

  • commercial, office and personal services (e.g. hairdressers, beauty salons, dry cleaning);
  • a maximum height of 12.0 meters;
  • a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 2.0;
  • opportunities for residential development above the first storey.

PU Zone:

  • Generally, provides an opportunity for utilities that are used to benefit the public, such as water, sewage disposal, electric power, heating, waste management, drainage, public transportation and telecommunications;
  • In this instance, the proposed PU Zone accommodates a road right-of-way for Clareview Station Drive.

Proposed Plan Amendment Details

The Clareview Town Centre Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) is in effect for this area. The NASP encourages high and medium density residential development close to the Clareview Transit Centre and commercial development that leverages the accessibility of the Transit Centre and Manning Drive. The application aligns with these objectives and includes NASP updates that reflect the specific nature of the proposed rezoning.

Proposed changes to the NASP include revising Figure 3 - Development Concept Plan to show the location of mid-rise apartments and row housing and updating policies that guide land development adjacent to the CN rail line.

More Information

Zoning regulates what types of buildings are allowed on a site (e.g. residential vs commercial) and the basic size and shape of those buildings. It does not control who can live in the buildings or whether the property is rented or owned. As a result, these factors cannot be taken into consideration by the City when reviewing rezoning proposals.

How Feedback Is Used

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and provide feedback before the end of the day on September 5, 2022.

The role of the public is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum, which was determined using the Public Engagement Charter for rezonings. The charter provides City planners with guidance on selecting the appropriate type and level of engagement needed to inform rezoning proposal reviews.

The ADVISE level means that the City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns or opportunities raised. Feedback will also be summarized for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspective prior to making a decision.

Additional information on the proposed redevelopment can be found on the right hand side of this page.

This application is open for feedback between August 15, 2022 and September 5, 2022.


Proposed Rezoning

The City has received an application to rezone the properties at 345 Clareview Station Drive NW; 4810 - 142 Avenue NW; and 3903, 4203 and 4223 - 144 Avenue NW for future redevelopment. The map below shows the existing and proposed zones.

proposed rezoning map

Proposed Rezoning Map

The proposed rezoning is from (DC1) Direct Development Control Provision, (DC2.701) and (DC2.702) Site Specific Development Control Provisions, and (AP) Public Parks Zone to the (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone, (RF5) Row Housing Zone, (CB1) Low Intensity Business Zone, (AP) Public Parks Zone, and (PU) Public Utility Zone. The proposed zones would allow for the following types of development:

RA8 Zone:

  • medium rise multi-unit housing;
  • a maximum height of 23.0 metres;
  • a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 3.3;
  • a minimum density of 75 residential units per hectare; and
  • opportunities for commercial development at ground level.

illustration of multi-unit housing

Example of what medium rise multi-unit housing with a maximum height of 23.0 m (approximately 6 stories) and minimum density of 75 units/hectare could look like.

RF5 Zone:

  • row housing;
  • a maximum height of 10.0 metres;
  • a maximum total site coverage of 50 per cent; and
  • a minimum density of 35 residential units per hectare.

illustration of row housing

Example of what row housing with a maximum height of 10.0 m (approximately 2.5 stories) and minimum density of 35 units/hectare could look like.

CB1 Zone:

  • commercial, office and personal services (e.g. hairdressers, beauty salons, dry cleaning);
  • a maximum height of 12.0 meters;
  • a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 2.0;
  • opportunities for residential development above the first storey.

PU Zone:

  • Generally, provides an opportunity for utilities that are used to benefit the public, such as water, sewage disposal, electric power, heating, waste management, drainage, public transportation and telecommunications;
  • In this instance, the proposed PU Zone accommodates a road right-of-way for Clareview Station Drive.

Proposed Plan Amendment Details

The Clareview Town Centre Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) is in effect for this area. The NASP encourages high and medium density residential development close to the Clareview Transit Centre and commercial development that leverages the accessibility of the Transit Centre and Manning Drive. The application aligns with these objectives and includes NASP updates that reflect the specific nature of the proposed rezoning.

Proposed changes to the NASP include revising Figure 3 - Development Concept Plan to show the location of mid-rise apartments and row housing and updating policies that guide land development adjacent to the CN rail line.

More Information

Zoning regulates what types of buildings are allowed on a site (e.g. residential vs commercial) and the basic size and shape of those buildings. It does not control who can live in the buildings or whether the property is rented or owned. As a result, these factors cannot be taken into consideration by the City when reviewing rezoning proposals.

How Feedback Is Used

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and provide feedback before the end of the day on September 5, 2022.

The role of the public is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum, which was determined using the Public Engagement Charter for rezonings. The charter provides City planners with guidance on selecting the appropriate type and level of engagement needed to inform rezoning proposal reviews.

The ADVISE level means that the City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns or opportunities raised. Feedback will also be summarized for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspective prior to making a decision.

Additional information on the proposed redevelopment can be found on the right hand side of this page.

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.
  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.
  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days.

Only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page. Please refrain from submitting a question on the site, and providing a duplicate question to the planner. It is not necessary to do both in order for the question to be received.