Confederation District Park Preliminary Design

Engagement has concluded

The City of Edmonton is renewing Confederation District Park, a 20-hectare park and open space in southwest Edmonton. It has numerous amenities including sports fields, tennis courts, a running track, high schools, and a leisure centre. Please watch the video below and provide your feedback through the survey or ask any questions by December 14th, 2020.

We want to hear from you to help us refine the preliminary design!

Please take the preliminary design survey to:

  • Learn about the Renewal elements, including sports fields, pathways, and native planting;

  • Share your feedback to inform the design of the future Growth elements, including nature play spaces, fitness equipment, and public art; and

  • Share any additional thoughts, ideas, or concerns.

You can also ask a question of the project team below, and we will respond and post the answer.

Preliminary design is currently underway in order to advance and implement the approved 2018 Confederation District Park Master Plan, and will be phased based on funding availability. Park improvements have been categorized into Renewal and Growth items. Renewal items are funded and will be constructed beginning in 2021 while Growth items will be constructed in the future should funding become available.

The City of Edmonton is renewing Confederation District Park, a 20-hectare park and open space in southwest Edmonton. It has numerous amenities including sports fields, tennis courts, a running track, high schools, and a leisure centre. Please watch the video below and provide your feedback through the survey or ask any questions by December 14th, 2020.

We want to hear from you to help us refine the preliminary design!

Please take the preliminary design survey to:

  • Learn about the Renewal elements, including sports fields, pathways, and native planting;

  • Share your feedback to inform the design of the future Growth elements, including nature play spaces, fitness equipment, and public art; and

  • Share any additional thoughts, ideas, or concerns.

You can also ask a question of the project team below, and we will respond and post the answer.

Preliminary design is currently underway in order to advance and implement the approved 2018 Confederation District Park Master Plan, and will be phased based on funding availability. Park improvements have been categorized into Renewal and Growth items. Renewal items are funded and will be constructed beginning in 2021 while Growth items will be constructed in the future should funding become available.

Engagement has concluded

  • Ask a question directly to the project team.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 7 business days.