LDA21-0083 City Planning Framework - Plan Repeals

Consultation has concluded

Thank you for visiting.

Phase One discussion has concluded and the What We Heard Report is posted and available.

The Phase One LDA was approved at Council on June 8th, 2021. Thank you to all those who provided feedback.

For more information on the project, please visit the City Planning Framework webpage.

New direction from The City Plan has highlighted a need to review our current land use plans and begin the careful process of repealing plans that have fulfilled their purpose. This work is being undertaken through the first phase of the City Planning Framework Implementation project. This is the first time the City has undertaken a broad review of over 200 land use plans in effect, many of which have fulfilled their purpose and helped shape our city.

Please watch the video and review the information on this page. The video is 8 minutes and covers the following:

What is being proposed (0:00)
Why the work is being done (3:17), and
How to provide feedback through the page's tools (6:54).

Tell us what you think using the Interactive Map Tool below and ask any questions in the Questions Tool below, before the end of the day on April 5, 2021.

The purpose of the proposed repeals is to remove land use plans that have fulfilled their purpose and are no longer needed to provide direction in the identified communities. The review process will assess this omnibus land development application and involves a Public Hearing process.

It is important to note that any plans that City Council repeals as part of this LDA process will not be removed from the City's web site. Instead, they will be archived for historical reference on a webpage for repealed plans but will not longer have statutory standing or provide guidance on Council or Administration decisions.

The repeals are primarily an administrative function based on whether plans have fulfilled their intended purpose as a land use plan. Policy is not changing or shifting.

This land development application proposes the following:

The plans proposed for repeal were carefully reviewed and found to have fulfilled their intended purpose based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • Plans are no longer advancing their intended purpose, i.e. to guide the orderly development of new land (greenfield) including infrastructure and land-use zoning
  • The City's planning approach, needs, and direction have evolved over time
  • The implementation of recent planning documents provide updated policy direction for an area
  • Plans are beyond their intended time horizon

Feedback from Edmontonians is being collected until April 5, 2021. All feedback collected through the Interactive Map Tool and the Questions Tool will be compiled into a What We Heard report in preparation for Public Hearing.

Thank you for visiting.

Phase One discussion has concluded and the What We Heard Report is posted and available.

The Phase One LDA was approved at Council on June 8th, 2021. Thank you to all those who provided feedback.

For more information on the project, please visit the City Planning Framework webpage.

New direction from The City Plan has highlighted a need to review our current land use plans and begin the careful process of repealing plans that have fulfilled their purpose. This work is being undertaken through the first phase of the City Planning Framework Implementation project. This is the first time the City has undertaken a broad review of over 200 land use plans in effect, many of which have fulfilled their purpose and helped shape our city.

Please watch the video and review the information on this page. The video is 8 minutes and covers the following:

What is being proposed (0:00)
Why the work is being done (3:17), and
How to provide feedback through the page's tools (6:54).

Tell us what you think using the Interactive Map Tool below and ask any questions in the Questions Tool below, before the end of the day on April 5, 2021.

The purpose of the proposed repeals is to remove land use plans that have fulfilled their purpose and are no longer needed to provide direction in the identified communities. The review process will assess this omnibus land development application and involves a Public Hearing process.

It is important to note that any plans that City Council repeals as part of this LDA process will not be removed from the City's web site. Instead, they will be archived for historical reference on a webpage for repealed plans but will not longer have statutory standing or provide guidance on Council or Administration decisions.

The repeals are primarily an administrative function based on whether plans have fulfilled their intended purpose as a land use plan. Policy is not changing or shifting.

This land development application proposes the following:

The plans proposed for repeal were carefully reviewed and found to have fulfilled their intended purpose based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • Plans are no longer advancing their intended purpose, i.e. to guide the orderly development of new land (greenfield) including infrastructure and land-use zoning
  • The City's planning approach, needs, and direction have evolved over time
  • The implementation of recent planning documents provide updated policy direction for an area
  • Plans are beyond their intended time horizon

Feedback from Edmontonians is being collected until April 5, 2021. All feedback collected through the Interactive Map Tool and the Questions Tool will be compiled into a What We Heard report in preparation for Public Hearing.

City Planning Framework - Proposed Plans for Repeals

about 3 years

This map shows all plans that are deemed to have fulfilled their purpose and are being proposed to be repealed.

Please zoom in to an area that impacts your daily life to see if a plan repeal impacts you. You may also type in an address to locate nearby plans that may impact you.

Please click the corresponding pin, for more details, and an opportunity to provide feedback through an online survey.

There is no need to add your own pins in this engagement exercise, your feedback will be gathered through the surveys associated with existing pins.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.