Phase 3 Engagement - What’s New
A number of changes were made to the 2022 draft district plans, District Policy and List of Geographic Plans Proposed to Keep, Change or Retire in response to feedback from a wide range of Edmontonians and City Council.
Changes to the Draft District Policy and Plans
Changes are briefly summarized below:
- Changed the level of support and direction for proposed development heights and locations within nodes and corridors
- Added a new height category (Tall High Rise) and removed the Intensification Area policy and map content from the District Policy and 15 district plans
- Improved document usability and provided clarity on how to use the district plans and District Policy together
- Individual district plans were also updated in response to specific feedback on their text, area-specific policy and map content
Changes to Plans Proposed to Keep, Change or Retire
Changes to the list of geographic plans proposed to keep, change or retire include adding plans to and removing plans from the list of plans proposed for retirement and amendment (change). Read the updated list of plans today.
Future Work Identified From 2022 Engagement Feedback
Below is a list of what the project team heard as possible future work. Each theme includes an example of what this type of future work could look like.
- User-Friendly District Plan Digital Platform – An online mapping tool which allows users to zoom into a specific parcel and select and view different map features or policies.
- Improved Representation of Heritage & Cultural Diversity – Explore ways district plans can further reflect the heritage and cultural places important to Edmontonians.
- Watershed Level Drainage Analysis – Conduct additional technical analyses of how more buildings and hard surfaces may impact local watersheds.
- Enhanced District Identity – Work with communities to understand how district policy and plans could further support or create a district's individual identity.
- Incorporation of Climate Resilience and Energy Transition Efforts – Work to support and represent climate resilience and energy transition efforts within district plan policies and maps.
Watch our Overview of Changes video or read the document to learn more about these changes. Read the project’s Phase 2 What We Heard Report.
Engagement has concluded