Edmonton is working on a plan for the future of sports and recreation in our city! We want to know what's important to you so we can make smart choices about programs, facilities, and how we budget.

The Phase 1 survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest and participation.

You're invited to continue to share your Stories & Ideas and ask Questions below until March 28, 2025.

Here's how you can help shape the future of sports and recreation in our city:

  • Share Your Stories about what you love about sport and recreation in Edmonton.
  • Share Your Ideas about what sports and recreation opportunities are missing in Edmonton.

We want to hear from Edmontonians across the city and with different perspectives; even if you don’t participate in sport or recreation activities in your community, we want to hear from you.

Share Your Ideas

What sports and recreation opportunities are missing in Edmonton?

What new sports or activities would you like to see in Edmonton? Which programs should we expand? What do we need for these activities? For example, where they should happen, what new spaces are needed, or any changes to current facilities? (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
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11 March, 2025

Local says:

More local activities for kids. Would love to see kids sports etc right in the neighbourhood - clearly advertised by location (no driving)

11 March, 2025

J.Rich says:

More ice rinks to accommodate the overwhelming demand in fall and winter. More city funding for community rinks in the winter

11 March, 2025

MeaganM says:

I wish there was a community soccer league my 6yr/old could join. EMSA’s 2-nights-a-week is too much of a commitment. Same time/field pls!

10 March, 2025

KathyM says:

More access points along the river, not just boat launches and "Accidental Beach." Transit service into parks not only for big events.

8 March, 2025

ascrvn says:

There are NO outdoor basketball courts in the Windermere/ Chappelle / south west Edmonton area! Or skateparks! Would love more of these.

7 March, 2025

Leeenda says:

Fitness areas along the river valley path. So many people jog, cycle, walk and play along this path. Fitness stations would be useful.

7 March, 2025

Leeenda says:

Fitness areas along the river valley path. So many people jog, cycle, walk and play along this path. Fitness stations would be useful.

3 March, 2025

Shirley says:

Lack opportunities for seniors as SW has no seniors facility. Terwillegar doesn't offer much for seniors/disability activity.

21 February, 2025

Bre says:

Add free water stations along shared pathways/greenspaces, near playgrounds/sports fields in urban and suburban! City of Kelowna does this!

18 February, 2025

Amy says:

We need more ice rinks to support our growing city. Kids should have to have late ice times because there is a shortage.

18 February, 2025

s says:

We need a rec centre on the North side of Edmonton, there is nothing on the northside right now with a pool a track, a gym and classrooms.

13 February, 2025

AlisonK says:

The whole "new" west end of Edmonton (the area west of the Henday) is missing EVERY MUNICIPAL ASPECT--no new libraries, parks, police, etc

13 February, 2025

Alison K says:

The whole "new" west end of Edmonton (the area west of the Henday) is missing EVERY MUNICIPAL ASPECT--no new libraries, parks, police, etc

11 February, 2025

crushedtaxpayer says:

we can't afford $250 million to replace buses and we're worrying about city supplied & supported sports and activities????? Really!

11 February, 2025

pogey says:

Pickleball courts with proper footprint and orientation, as well as facilities for tournments.

10 February, 2025

Jebediah says:

None. They are all provided... albeit differently.

10 February, 2025

Concerned Citizen says:

Our population has exploded, we need more swimming lessons for kiddos

10 February, 2025

Concerned Citizen says:

We need a high school for south of the Henday in Ellerslie/Summerside/Charlesworth~!! Overcrowding a school causes problems for everyone.

10 February, 2025

Wendy says:

Leisure Access Program application process is over 3 months long! This is a huge barrier to people who would benefit most.

6 February, 2025

Lori says:

I would like to see a spray park installed in Borden Park. 140 characters is not enough space to address all your questions.

5 February, 2025

Imre B says:

Build tennis courts at new schools... IB

4 February, 2025

AshleyB says:

Kids swim lessons- and let them actually learn to swim, not just play

3 February, 2025

Chad says:

We are absolutely desperate for more 50m swim lanes for competitive swimming. And we need a grass professional soccer stadium

1 February, 2025

Mari-Anne says:

Sports for people who are handicapped we need programs that can help us improve our health but need programs that can help us develop theses

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Learn More

Engage and Play: Shaping Public Recreation in Edmonton is a project to develop a plan for the future of sports and recreation in our city.

This project will inform short, medium and long-term priorities for sport and active recreation programming, including capital projects and budget planning and will include:

  • A jurisdictional scan of other municipalities in Canada that will enable the City to critically examine how its programs and service levels compare
  • A review of the current state of sporting activities in Edmonton, as well as provincially and nationally, to gain a deeper understanding of the growth and trending of various sports to inform both current and future programming and infrastructure needs
  • Community engagement, with a variety of options to connect with communities and seek feedback including in-person, online and telephone

This project will validate and assess individual preferences and social benefits of active recreation services received, and barriers to use. It will go beyond the programs and services the City currently offers and seek input on the demand for new service offerings.

With Edmonton’s population on track to reach two million people, we need to be prepared to meet the recreation needs of our growing and changing community. It's important for the City of Edmonton to hear from Edmontonians from across the city with different perspectives to make sure that people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds have accessible, equitable and inclusive recreational opportunities. Even if you don’t participate in sport or recreation activities in your community, we still want to hear from you.

We'll gather information from Edmontonians, research, and talking to other cities. We'll use this information to make plans for sports and recreation in Edmonton, both for now and the future. We'll make sure these plans are realistic and give everyone a fair chance to use our programs and services.

  • Active recreational activity is any activity that an individual freely chooses to do for fun, social interaction, fitness or relaxation, and requires them to be physically active.
  • Districts are groupings of neighbourhoods. There are over 300 neighbourhoods in Edmonton and they have been grouped into 15 districts based on where they are located. Districts make it easier to plan for how Edmonton needs to change and grow
  • Jurisdictional Scan: Learning from others by looking at what other cities across Canada are doing well to see what we can learn.
  • Sport is any competitive active recreation activity – competitive includes a contest between two or more people to determine a winner – whether for fun, or organized by a sport organization or league, includes observation of formal rules and regulations, participated in either individually or as a team, and may or may not include a coaching and / or officiating/judging component.
  • State of Sport Research: Checking the trends by studying what sports are popular now and what might be popular in the future, both in Edmonton and across the country. This helps us plan for the facilities and programs you'll need.