

8 July 2024

The City has received a rezoning application from Clarity Development Advisory. The current zoning is a Direct Development Control Provision (DC1.15753), Small Scale Flex Residential Zone (RSF), Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone (RSM h12.0), and Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h16.0). The proposed zoning is two Direct Control (DC) Zones and the General Commercial Zone (CG).

  • One proposed DC Zone would allow for a variety of commercial, office, and service uses on the sites along Winterburn Road. Landscaping and screening are required between the commercial areas and adjacent low density residential areas.
  • The second proposed DC Zone would allow for two residential buildings up to 23 m in height (approximately 6 storeys), opportunities for commercial on the ground floor (such as daycares and restaurants), and a minimum 4.5 metre setback and required landscaping along the interface with low density residential.
  • The proposed General Commercial Zone (CG) would allow for a variety of commercial businesses that range from low impact commercial and office activities with limited opportunities for Residential Uses, to higher impact activities including larger shopping centres.

Associated proposed amendments to the Grange Area Structure Plan and Granville Neighbourhood Structure Plan would redesignate the properties to Commercial Direct Development Control and High Density Residential (Medium Rise Apartments) accordingly.

A black and white map of the area around the property that is proposed to be rezoned, with a grey box on the property