CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The City is reviewing an application to rezone 11133 - 60 Street NW in Highlands neighbourhood from an existing (RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone to (CB1) Low Intensity Business Zone.

The proposed CB1 Zone would allow for a development with the following characteristics:

  • A maximum height of 12.0 metres (approximately 3 storeys)
  • A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 2.0
  • Limited residential related uses
  • Commercial uses such as general retail stores, health services, professional, financial, and office support services, etc. (the list of uses is not exhaustive)

The purpose of the CB1 Zone is to provide for low intensity commercial, office and services uses, and limited residential-related uses located along the arterial roadways that border residential areas. The CB1 Zone requires an interior setback of minimum 3.0 metres when abutting a residential zone, and minimum 3.0 metre setback where a site abuts a public roadway. Vehicular access is required from the abutting lane and parking, loading and facilities are required to be located at the rear of the building.

When reviewing the rezoning application for a standard zone, the planner review includes an analysis of the proposed rezoning's impacts on surrounding infrastructure (i.e., roads, water and sewer systems), overall compatibility of the proposed zone with surrounding land uses, alignment with land use policy and guidelines such as The City Plan.

Engagement has concluded

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