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The City Plan

The City Plan is Edmonton’s big-picture vision for the future. In this video series, we’re breaking down the steps we need to take to plan a healthy, urban and climate-resilient...Read more

The City Plan
The City Plan
The City Plan is Edmonton’s big-picture vision for the future. In this video series, we’re breaking down the steps we need to take to plan a healthy, urban and climate-resilient city of two million people.
District Planning
District Planning
District Planning establishes The City Plan’s District Network of 15 districts across Edmonton and a common District General Policy shared among them. Individual district plans and District General Policy will guide city growth in an incremental way and lay the foundation for 15-minute communities.
Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative
Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative
A comprehensive overhaul of our current Zoning Bylaw. It includes rethinking how, what and why we regulate land use, to support The City Plan’s building outcomes and streamline the City’s development services.