

3 April 2024

The City has received a rezoning application from Situate Inc. to rezone 8904 - 99 Street NW in the Strathcona neighbourhood. The site is currently vacant land. The current zone is a Direct Control Zone (DC2.1153) and the proposed zone is the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h28.0) which would allow:

  • Mid-rise multi-unit residential development with optional commercial opportunities at the ground level
  • A maximum height of 28.0 meters (approx. 8 storeys)
  • A maximum floor area ratio of 3.8 - 5.2

The proposed RM h28.0 Zone is different from the current DC Zone in the following key ways:

  • Maximum height decreasing from 34 metres.
  • Maximum floor area ratio decreasing from 6.0.
  • Removal of any requirement for commercial space.

A map of the area around the property that is proposed to be rezoned, with the property labelled

As the proposed zoning is considered a ‘standard zone’, the applicant is not required to provide detailed building drawings at this stage in the planning process. If the rezoning is approved by City Council at a public hearing, the next step will be for the applicant to submit a Development Permit application. At that time, the applicant will be required to submit detailed building drawings to the City for review.

The City Plan, Edmonton’s combined Municipal Development Plan and Transportation Master Plan, was approved in December 2020. The City Plan sets City Council’s direction, and charts out how we will accommodate 1 million additional residents in Edmonton. While all areas of the city will densify over time, The City Plan introduces a ‘Nodes and Corridors’ network, where deliberate urban intensification will be accommodated. 99 Street NW is identified as a secondary corridor where low and mid rise developments can be supported.