LDA24-0132 Junction 99

Engagement has concluded

Click here for the What We Heard report, published on May 13, 2024.

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from April 22, 2024 until May 5, 2024.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Click here for the What We Heard report, published on May 13, 2024.

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from April 22, 2024 until May 5, 2024.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Engagement has concluded

Use the tool below to submit a question to the file planner or see what others have been asking. Answers are posted within 5 business days. When needed, we will also work with the applicant to provide an answer. 

You will need to provide a screen name and email as all questions go through an automated moderation process. Your screen name will be displayed but all other information is kept confidential.

Ask a question directly to the City file planner who is processing the application.

  • Hello, Thank you for engaging the community in the Junction99 application. In reviewing the "Learn More" section, I have several questions. 1. Why was the requirement for commercial space removed? As the population density in Strathcona grows, one of the key strengths of the neighbourhood is and will be its walkability. The Wild Earth site, and its previous commercial space, provided a valuable contribution to the walkability of the community. With the new Columbian Cafe across the street, this corner has the opportunity to become a valuable community hub. However, if the commercial space requirement is removed, I understand that the inclusion of any commercial space would be at the discretion of the developer. I am curious about why this requirement was lifted. 2. What are the implications of reducing the floor area ration and height? Thanks very much for considering these questions. Kindly -

    Neighbor asked 3 months ago

    1. From the developer: “The RM zone (that we are requesting) still allows for a variety of commercial uses including retail, grocery stores, offices, restaurants, and medical services. The project team is considering the opportunity to provide commercial space in the building along 99 Street. 

    “The proposed rezoning to a standard zone, rather than a Direct Control zone that requires commercial development, will allow the flexibility to change the building design as market needs change and the cost of materials change, facilitating the development of a site that has been vacant for years. Rezoning to a standard zone will also allow the subject site’s zoning regulations to align with future changes to the Zoning Bylaw.”

    2. From the City: The reduction in Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and height decreases the overall height of the building from approx. 10 storeys (34.0 m) to 8 storeys (28.0 m), and reduces the floor area within the building. This will result in a generally smaller building.  

    Floor area ratio (FAR) means a building or structure’s floor area in relation to the total area of the site that the building is located on. It is a general guide for the scale/intensity of the built form. Example: If you had a maximum FAR of 1.0 it can take different forms (all the below examples show a floor area ratio of 1.0):

    Illustration showing three examples of a Floor Area Ratio of 2.0. One example shows a two storey building filling up a full square site, one shows a four storey building filling up half of a square site, and another shows an 8 storey building filling up one quarter of a square site.Floor Area Ratio (FAR) examples


    The current DC2.1153 has a maximum FAR of 6.0. The proposed RM h28.0 Zone has a maximum FAR that ranges from 3.8 - 5.2, so combined with the decrease in height, the building will be smaller overall. 

    This question was responded to on 30 April 2024.

  • Why are you not committed to commercial on the main floor?

    Katherine Binhammer asked 3 months ago

    From the developer:

    “The RM zone (that we’re requesting) allows for a variety of commercial uses including retail, grocery stores, offices, restaurants, and medical services. The project team is considering the opportunity to provide commercial space in the building along 99 Street. 

    "The proposed rezoning to a standard zone, rather than a Direct Control zone that requires commercial development, will allow the flexibility to change the building design as market needs change and the cost of materials change, facilitating the development of a site that has been vacant for years. Rezoning to a standard zone will also allow the subject site’s zoning regulations to align with future changes to the Zoning Bylaw.”

    This question was responded to on 30 April 2024.

  • Can I apply to run a hog barn inside this development

    Fam-innit asked 3 months ago

    No, the ‘Agriculture’ use is not permitted in the proposed RM h28.0 Zone. A farm, or small animal breeding facility such as a hog pen are a typical example of activities that would be considered ‘Agriculture’. The ‘Agriculture’ use is only listed in the Agriculture Zone (AG), Future Urban Development Zone (FD), and Rural Residential Zone (RR). 

    ‘Agriculture’ is defined as: “farm activity associated with raising animals and production of dairy products, or growing crops, including grains, vegetables and fruits and other plants for economic gain as food, landscaping, fibre, or fuel within a rural context. This may include the sale of agricultural products raised or grown on-site and related accessory products. This Use also allows for large-scale topsoil removal and grading. This Use does not include confined feeding operations as defined by the Agricultural Operations Practices Act, or Cannabis Production and Distribution. Typical examples include: farms, greenhouses, and small animal breeding facilities.”

    ‘Urban Agriculture’ is a permitted use in the proposed RM h28.0 Zone. Urban Agriculture is a permitted use in all residential zones (with the exception of the Rural Residential Zone (RR)).

    ‘Urban Agriculture’ is defined as: “development that involves growing fruits, vegetables, plants, or raising chickens or bees in urban areas for use beyond personal consumption. This activity may include the sale of agricultural products raised or grown on-Site. This Use does not include Cannabis Production and Distribution. Typical examples include: community gardens, food gardens, Hen Enclosures, hydroponic or aquaponic systems, and vertical farms.”

    This question was responded to on 23 April 2024.