LDA21-0377 Klarvatten Rezoning

Engagement has concluded

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Due to the current public health situation, City-hosted in-person public engagement events and information sessions continue to be suspended until further notice. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on October 24, 2021.

We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application takes local context into consideration and is as complete as possible. Feedback will also be summarized in the report for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision.


The City has received a proposal to rezone properties at 18220-89 Street and 18069-85 Street NW. The application was made by Scheffer Andrew Ltd.

Proposed Rezoning
The current zoning is: Public Parks Zone (AP), Public Utility Zone (PU), Low Rise Apartment Zone (RA7) and Residential Small Lot Zone (RSL).

The proposed zoning (map) is: Public Parks Zone (AP), Public Utility Zone (PU), Residential Low Density Zone (RLD) and Medium Rise Apartment Zone (RA8).

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of:

  • Low-density residential housing, such as single family and semi-detached housing.

  • Six storey apartment buildings (increase from current four storey maximum allowed) with the opportunity for limited commercial uses at street level, such as child care services, general retail and office services.

  • Walkways and a stormwater management facility.

Proposed Plan Amendment
A plan amendment (map) is also being proposed to the Klarvatten Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP).

The amendment would allow for the:

  • Relocation and reduction in size of the stormwater management facility;

  • Reconfiguration of the collector road alignment to accommodate the removal of a curve in the northeast corner; and

  • Municipal Reserve (MR) dedication in the form of a linear parcel instead of a pocket park.

The proposed apartment buildings (RA7 to RA8 zoning) conform with the existing Medium Density Residential designation in the approved Klarvatten NSP.

The City has not yet taken a position of support or non-support on this application. The City’s position will be determined by a thorough analysis of the proposal that includes technical considerations (e.g. traffic and drainage impacts) and alignment to applicable City land use-related plans and policies.

This application is being reviewed for alignment with the City Plan, Edmonton North Area Structure Plan, and the Klarvatten Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP).

Please see the frequently asked questions and other documentation in the right hand sidebar for more information.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Due to the current public health situation, City-hosted in-person public engagement events and information sessions continue to be suspended until further notice. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on October 24, 2021.

We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application takes local context into consideration and is as complete as possible. Feedback will also be summarized in the report for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision.


The City has received a proposal to rezone properties at 18220-89 Street and 18069-85 Street NW. The application was made by Scheffer Andrew Ltd.

Proposed Rezoning
The current zoning is: Public Parks Zone (AP), Public Utility Zone (PU), Low Rise Apartment Zone (RA7) and Residential Small Lot Zone (RSL).

The proposed zoning (map) is: Public Parks Zone (AP), Public Utility Zone (PU), Residential Low Density Zone (RLD) and Medium Rise Apartment Zone (RA8).

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of:

  • Low-density residential housing, such as single family and semi-detached housing.

  • Six storey apartment buildings (increase from current four storey maximum allowed) with the opportunity for limited commercial uses at street level, such as child care services, general retail and office services.

  • Walkways and a stormwater management facility.

Proposed Plan Amendment
A plan amendment (map) is also being proposed to the Klarvatten Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP).

The amendment would allow for the:

  • Relocation and reduction in size of the stormwater management facility;

  • Reconfiguration of the collector road alignment to accommodate the removal of a curve in the northeast corner; and

  • Municipal Reserve (MR) dedication in the form of a linear parcel instead of a pocket park.

The proposed apartment buildings (RA7 to RA8 zoning) conform with the existing Medium Density Residential designation in the approved Klarvatten NSP.

The City has not yet taken a position of support or non-support on this application. The City’s position will be determined by a thorough analysis of the proposal that includes technical considerations (e.g. traffic and drainage impacts) and alignment to applicable City land use-related plans and policies.

This application is being reviewed for alignment with the City Plan, Edmonton North Area Structure Plan, and the Klarvatten Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP).

Please see the frequently asked questions and other documentation in the right hand sidebar for more information.

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days

Please note you must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback.  However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.  Please refrain from submitting a question on the site, and providing a duplicate question to the planner.  It is not necessary to do both in order for the question to be received.