LDA21-0569 Michener Park Rezoning

Engagement has concluded

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report is available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and tell us what you think or ask any questions below before the end of the day on May 16, 2022.

The City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns or opportunities raised. Feedback will also be summarized for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspective prior to making a decision.


Proposed Rezoning

The City has received an application to rezone the Michener Park site for future redevelopment. The site is located on the east side of 122 Street NW between 51 Avenue NW and Whitemud Drive NW, and includes 101 Michener Park NW and 11731 51 Avenue NW.

The proposed rezoning (map) is from the current (AJ) Alternative Jurisdiction Zone to the following zones:

The applicant has created the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan with Urban Design Guidelines document to guide their strategic growth and redevelopment of the Michener Park site, which is owned and managed by the University of Alberta’s Properties Trust. The master plan is an optional guideline that details the applicant’s vision for the area, including residential, commercial, open space and transportation components.


The residential component is intended to provide a range of residential buildings (approximately 2 to 6 storeys) that can accommodate a diverse population of new residents and that the site promotes walkability and accessibility to surrounding areas. A key objective of the application is to ensure that residential development respects the existing developments to the east of the site by being strategically and contextually sensitive about the zone placement.

Once complete, it is anticipated that Michener Park will provide between 900 and 1,300 units of housing in a variety of forms, including opportunities for semi-detached housing, row housing and apartment housing developments.

Additional details on the proposed residential dwelling types are found within p.30-36 and Chapter 4 - Michener Park Urban Design Guidelines of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document.


The proposal includes commercial and retail opportunities along 122 Street and 48 Avenue NW within their site and intends to serve the daily needs of Michener Park residents as well as the surrounding communities. To complement the CB2 zones, Michener Park will offer mixed-use zones adjacent to 48 Avenue to help transition from the main street area to residential use. This area intends on creating a high-quality environment by allowing centralized street-level commercial opportunities while promoting a pedestrian space that is well linked to other features of the site such as the proposed parks and connecting features like internal roads and paths throughout the site.

Additional details on the proposed commercial areas are found within p.37-38 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document.

Open Space Network

Open spaces are proposed for recreational areas within Michener Park that will encourage community interaction. This will include a 0.60 hectare park centrally located on the property and a stormwater management facility along the southern edge of the property. In addition, there will be publicly accessible private open spaces, pathways and amenity areas that will allow pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to surrounding areas such as:

  • 51 Avenue to the north;

  • 122 Street to the west;

  • 46, 48, and 49 Avenues to the east; and

  • the E-W shared use path to the south.

See additional details on the proposed open space network within p.49-50 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document and contents found within the Parkland Impact Assessment.

Transportation Network

The proposed Michener Park transportation network is designed to accommodate various travel modes to and from the area. Vehicles will connect to the area by two main roads: one accessed from 51 Avenue that will intersect with 48 Avenue and one connected to 122 Street. Internal access to developments will be provided through a series of private local roads connected to these collector roads. As highlighted in the open space network for Michener Park, additional mobility and connection points are proposed to link the site with the rest of Malmo Plains by providing key pedestrian and bicycle paths aligning with the 46, 48, and 49 Avenue roadways that currently terminate along the east property line. This network extends to the south where it connects to the broader shared-use path network along the south property line allowing inter-connectivity between surrounding neighbourhoods.

Transit service will continue to be provided at the existing transit stops along 51 Avenue and 122 Street.

See additional details on the proposed transportation network types within p.41-50 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document and the Transportation Impact Assessment.


For more information on the proposed rezoning, please visit the application webpage edmonton.ca/malmoplainsplanningapplications.

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report is available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and tell us what you think or ask any questions below before the end of the day on May 16, 2022.

The City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns or opportunities raised. Feedback will also be summarized for City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspective prior to making a decision.


Proposed Rezoning

The City has received an application to rezone the Michener Park site for future redevelopment. The site is located on the east side of 122 Street NW between 51 Avenue NW and Whitemud Drive NW, and includes 101 Michener Park NW and 11731 51 Avenue NW.

The proposed rezoning (map) is from the current (AJ) Alternative Jurisdiction Zone to the following zones:

The applicant has created the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan with Urban Design Guidelines document to guide their strategic growth and redevelopment of the Michener Park site, which is owned and managed by the University of Alberta’s Properties Trust. The master plan is an optional guideline that details the applicant’s vision for the area, including residential, commercial, open space and transportation components.


The residential component is intended to provide a range of residential buildings (approximately 2 to 6 storeys) that can accommodate a diverse population of new residents and that the site promotes walkability and accessibility to surrounding areas. A key objective of the application is to ensure that residential development respects the existing developments to the east of the site by being strategically and contextually sensitive about the zone placement.

Once complete, it is anticipated that Michener Park will provide between 900 and 1,300 units of housing in a variety of forms, including opportunities for semi-detached housing, row housing and apartment housing developments.

Additional details on the proposed residential dwelling types are found within p.30-36 and Chapter 4 - Michener Park Urban Design Guidelines of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document.


The proposal includes commercial and retail opportunities along 122 Street and 48 Avenue NW within their site and intends to serve the daily needs of Michener Park residents as well as the surrounding communities. To complement the CB2 zones, Michener Park will offer mixed-use zones adjacent to 48 Avenue to help transition from the main street area to residential use. This area intends on creating a high-quality environment by allowing centralized street-level commercial opportunities while promoting a pedestrian space that is well linked to other features of the site such as the proposed parks and connecting features like internal roads and paths throughout the site.

Additional details on the proposed commercial areas are found within p.37-38 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document.

Open Space Network

Open spaces are proposed for recreational areas within Michener Park that will encourage community interaction. This will include a 0.60 hectare park centrally located on the property and a stormwater management facility along the southern edge of the property. In addition, there will be publicly accessible private open spaces, pathways and amenity areas that will allow pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to surrounding areas such as:

  • 51 Avenue to the north;

  • 122 Street to the west;

  • 46, 48, and 49 Avenues to the east; and

  • the E-W shared use path to the south.

See additional details on the proposed open space network within p.49-50 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document and contents found within the Parkland Impact Assessment.

Transportation Network

The proposed Michener Park transportation network is designed to accommodate various travel modes to and from the area. Vehicles will connect to the area by two main roads: one accessed from 51 Avenue that will intersect with 48 Avenue and one connected to 122 Street. Internal access to developments will be provided through a series of private local roads connected to these collector roads. As highlighted in the open space network for Michener Park, additional mobility and connection points are proposed to link the site with the rest of Malmo Plains by providing key pedestrian and bicycle paths aligning with the 46, 48, and 49 Avenue roadways that currently terminate along the east property line. This network extends to the south where it connects to the broader shared-use path network along the south property line allowing inter-connectivity between surrounding neighbourhoods.

Transit service will continue to be provided at the existing transit stops along 51 Avenue and 122 Street.

See additional details on the proposed transportation network types within p.41-50 and Chapter 4 of the Michener Park Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines document and the Transportation Impact Assessment.


For more information on the proposed rezoning, please visit the application webpage edmonton.ca/malmoplainsplanningapplications.

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days.

You must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback. Only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential. We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You can also provide feedback to the project planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page. Please refrain from submitting a question on the site, and providing a duplicate question to the planner. It is not necessary to do both in order for the question to be received.