LDA23-0363 Mill Woods Town Centre Phase 1

Engagement has concluded

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for providing feedback for consideration.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs(External link) for Council meetings

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from February 5 until February 25, 2024.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for providing feedback for consideration.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs(External link) for Council meetings

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from February 5 until February 25, 2024.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Tell Us What You Think About The Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Please note you must provide a screen name and email on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback. However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential. All comments go through an automated moderation process, and may take up to 1-2 hours to publicly appear on the website.

If you are unable to provide feedback on this site, you may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page. Please refrain from commenting on the site, and providing a duplicate comment to the planner. It is not necessary to do both in order for feedback to be captured.

Engagement has concluded

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I think it’s important that development prioritized accessible and affordable housing. Mill woods is not an upscale community, people need homes they can afford and asap.

SJ 3 months ago

Plenty of under-utilized space in the parking lots in the area. But it should be noted just how awful it is on 66th and 50th streets and all around Town Centre at rush hour. So hopefully any new residents of the proposed in-fill actually end up using the LRT/transit amenities in the area. I cautiously approve.

DL 3 months ago

I really do not like this development! With the existing crime in the area and lack of resources, a development like this invites even more crime and furthers the lack of resources! Not to mention it is NOT affordable housing. I protest this 110%

MIchael A Enders 3 months ago

Bad Idea. If you really want to improve Edmonton, get rid of that horrible LRT.

CityMan 3 months ago

Bad Idea. If you really want to improve Edmonton, get rid of that horrible LRT.

CityMan 3 months ago

of course, we need alot more of skyscrappers. to enhance business around and the appearance of the city. I agree.

Ashley W 3 months ago

22 story tower is ridiculous, it would destroy the feel and vibe of this area. Currently everything that surrounds this piece of land is either park, single family homes and churches and strip malls. It would look completely out of place, tge building should be no taller than 10 stories maximimum. We do not need concrete inner city jungles in Millwoods. I would rather see several smaller walk up apartments or 4 story apartment condo developments like wD done in the Old Heritage Mall development than this ridiculous idea.

hdpeters 3 months ago

Are the towers going to be fully secured? Are there going to be preventions to ensure safety and prevent them from being yet another low income building, source of drugs, and problems? If the answer to any of the above is no… then no I don’t support it.

Firey 3 months ago

Are the towers going to be fully secured? Are there going to be preventions to ensure safety and prevent them from being yet another low income building, source of drugs, and problems? If the answer to any of the above is no… then no I don’t support it.

Firey 3 months ago

In general, I'm ok with the proposal of phase 1's plan for two 22-story towers along 28th Avenue. BUT...my concern is the street access for vehicles entering the mall long 66 Street. The main entrance that had been used for years to access the old Co-op supermarket and still existing gas bar, has been co-opted by Edmonton Transit for a backdoor entry to the relocated transit station. Which is fine for now. However with more residents potentially moving in, the developer and more importantly the City, needs to come up with a better solution to accessing the mall, library and seniors centre from 66 Stree.

KenL 3 months ago

In general, I'm ok with the proposal of phase 1's plan for two 22-story towers along 28th Avenue. BUT...my concern is the street access for vehicles entering the mall long 66 Street. The main entrance that had been used for years to access the old Co-op supermarket and still existing gas bar, has been co-opted by Edmonton Transit for a backdoor entry to the relocated transit station. Which is fine for now. However with more residents potentially moving in, the developer and more importantly the City, needs to come up with a better solution to accessing the mall, library and seniors centre from 66 Stree.

KenL 3 months ago

I support the overall proposal and look forward to a new vibrancy for the area. The potential is so great with all the existing services to create a neighbourhood that is easily accessible. This layout of the information needs to be a lot more simple. We need to quickly see what we need to see. Wading through all this information for those of us who are not city planners is frustrating.

ElleH 3 months ago

Density is required. There is a shortfall of supply when it comes to housing. Anything that increases supply is a positive. Approval is recommended.

Dave Boyle 3 months ago

I would not want a building any higher than 16 stories in this residential area, I don’t think it’s necessary to build any higher. I would like to see lots of coffee shops/restaurants.

Sugarstix 3 months ago

I am at Millwoods town center daily and have worked in the mail, best thing would be low income housing, as most people that go there are single parents and seniors. Also a Walmart or no frills or giant tiger would be good there as well.

Single-momof2 3 months ago

I feel the request for increased height with the scope of the information provided is unnecessary. The addition of a multi-storied building withing the gounds is good. Will they be increasing mall rent? The stores in the mall are integral to the community and provide unique services not located in southern edmonton. Parking at the lot for Canada day events shouldn't be compromised either. Sound proofing for the units will need to be considered

Robert S 3 months ago

I feel the request for increased height with the scope of the information provided is unnecessary. The addition of a multi-storied building withing the gounds is good. Will they be increasing mall rent? The stores in the mall are integral to the community and provide unique services not located in southern edmonton. Parking at the lot for Canada day events shouldn't be compromised either. Sound proofing for the units will need to be considered

Robert S 3 months ago

Perfect place for affordable housing

Bourgrr 3 months ago

This useless city council will not listen. Perhaps our illustrious mayor can hop on an electric bus or pedal over on his gold lined bike paths and actually look at millwoods.

Joyce is your choice 3 months ago

I feel the Millwoods area could use some additional business space and housing with the opportunity to revitalize and freshen the area. Especially important as the area is older and dated, and could use some new development. However, I disagree the area requires a 22 story building. I agree with the other poster that there is a building in the area already quite tall and sticks out among other buildings in the area. As we are bordering the edge of the city by the Anthony Henday, I feel this tall of a building would further impact the city sky line view and ascetics. Millwoods is a community and group area within a city setting. I feel that needs to be taken into account and preserved and have this in mind. The more close knit feel would be appreciated (town within a city, with city amenities verses a city within a city). Also, bringing in this many units (if proposing a 22 story building) will bring additional individuals and families. What other developments and changes have been proposed to support this? Grey Nuns Emergency is overrun, Dr's offices are overrun (we could use an urgent care centre which is attached to the Emergency for more urgent care items but not those necessarily emergent/life threatening), schools are at maximum capacity and we require some added development, Millwoods Town Centre requires some updating and added businesses (the mall really is in poor appeal for residents and others from outside the Millwoods area). On thing I have to mention too is that I notice the documents reflect consultaiton in the area as far back as 2011. That is quite long ago and turn over has occurred. This feedback also was very poorly communicated. Please consider a mailout for residents in Millwoods area (not just businesses), and billboards placed in multiple places in the area. I have spoken to many and no one is aware of this proposal. Also to add, the documents, while comprehensive, are overwhelming to those who would not understand how to read them and make sense of what is being discussed. An added FAQ document with a shorter (say 10 pages) document written for the general public at an easier reading and understanding level would be appreciated. I'm also surprised that with our multicultural and diverse community there are not some items written in other languages to at least get the communication out for those to have consultation and explanation in their own language. They would have extremely difficult time understanding the documents and being able to provide comment. With the City's views on diversity and multiculturalism, I'm surprised at this.

gwendolens 3 months ago