How has the public been informed of this project?

    • The applicant sent letters to property owners in the Northwest Decoteau neighbourhood on May 27, 2020
    • Northwest Decoteau Neighbourhood Structure Plan webpage was set up the week of May 19, 2019
    • City Planning sent out advance notification letter to all property owners in the Decoteau NSP area
    • Website is continually updated.
    • File planner has had communication with 2 people in the Northwest Decoteau area

    What technical Reports have been submitted for this application?

    • Transportation Impact Analysis
    • Phase II Ecological Network Report
    • Hydraulic Network analysis
    • Neighbourhood Design Report
    • Geotechnical/Hydro-geotechnical Report
    • Community Knowledge Campus Needs Assessment
    • Parkland Impact Assessment
    • Environmental Overview

    What is the timing of full build out of the Northwest neighbourhood?

    • It is estimated that the first new housing stock would be available on the market a year or two after the NSP is approved
    • Full build out of the neighbourhood may take many years depending on housing demand, economic factors and servicing constraints

    When will the area be serviced?

    • Once the NSP is approved the next steps will be for developer to submit rezoning and then subdivision applications
    • As part of the subdivisions servicing agreements developer will be required to outline the construction of roads, water pipes, drainage connections and power to service the new development
    • Applicants will then be able to apply for development permits and begin construction
    • This process will happen in stages moving from already serviced areas in Charlesworth and expanding servicing logically from there
    • How quickly the area is serviced depends on the pace of development

    When will other plans in the Decoteau ASP area be completed?

    • There are 5 neighbourhoods in the Decoteau ASP, Decoteau North was approved on September 17, 2018
    • So far the city has only approved one NSP for the ASP area - Decoteau North Neighbourhood, Approved on September 17, 2018.
    • NSPs are submitted by landowners and therefore the City cannot control when plans are done
    • Typically preparing an NSP from the time the applicant submits all materials to the City till it goes to Council is at least a year, and often longer
    • This is because there are many technical and planning considerations to work through and multiple objectives to balance, such as achieving density targets and protecting natural areas
    • There are 5 neighbourhoods in the Decoteau ASP, Decoteau North was approved on September 17, 2018
    • So far the city has only approved one NSP for the ASP area - Decoteau North Neighbourhood, Approved on September 17, 2018.
    • NSPs are submitted by landowners and therefore the City cannot control when plans are done
    • Typically preparing an NSP from the time the applicant submits all materials to the City till it goes to Council is at least a year, and often longer
    • This is because there are many technical and planning considerations to work through and multiple objectives to balance, such as achieving density targets and protecting natural areas

    Why is there a road, wetland or stormwater management facility on my property?

    • Applicants must provide all the amenities and services for a complete community, this includes access into neighbourhoods, storm ponds to manage drainage and protecting existing wetlands and natural areas
    • The location of land uses, roads and natural features are dependent on what is existing on the land, what makes sense from a practical and technical perspective to service the area and trying to balance landowner interests

    How was this digital public engagement publicized?

    • Advanced notice of the application was sent by direct mail to surrounding property owners in the form of a letter on  May 27, 2020 (42 recipients)
    • A postcard to notify the public of a Remote Public Engagement Opportunity was sent on the week of August 4, 2020.
    • It was posted on the City's Public Engagement Calendar
    • It was also posted on the Northwest Decoteau webpage