
How is the City gathering feedback on this project?

4 May 2023

Public Engagement will be completed at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum. We want to know what is most important to consider around how the City regulates how and when people can do certain activities and behaviours in public spaces in Edmonton.

To understand Edmontonians perspectives and concerns around this project, the City is using the following engagement opportunities:

How are decisions made?

City Administration is reviewing the three primary public spaces bylaws to develop a comprehensive, new bylaw to replace the existing bylaws. The three primary public spaces bylaws include:

Other bylaws that contain regulations on behaviours in public spaces will be brought in-scope when appropriate.

The bylaw topics that we are currently engaging on include:

  • Performances, small commercial activity and gatherings
  • Recreational activities
  • Panhandling, lingering without purpose, use of public space at night and visible drug use

Feedback will be used along with technical analysis (including enforcement considerations, legal recommendations and scan of what other jurisdictions are doing) to help us review the bylaws and provide recommendations to City Council.