LDA21-0484 Central McDougall RA7 Rezoning

Engagement has concluded

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning and plan amendment before the end of the day on February 21, 2022.

We will use any feedback that you share to ensure our review of the application considers local context, and will be summarized in our report to City Council so they are aware of public opinion before making a decision at Public Hearing.

This application is for a standard zone and the applicant is not required to provide detailed drawings at this time. If the rezoning is approved by City Council, the next step is to submit an application for a Development Permit, including detailed building plans.

Proposed Rezoning Details

The City has received an application to rezone the property at 11018 108 Street NW in the northwest corner of the Central McDougall Neighbourhood from
(RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone to (RA7) Low Rise Apartment Zone.

If approved, the proposed RA7 Zone would allow for the development of a low-rise apartment with a maximum height of 16.0 metres (approximately 4 storeys) with limited commercial opportunities at ground level, such as, but not limited to, child care services, general retail stores, and specialty food services. The applicant intends to build a residential apartment building with no commercial component.

The Mature Neighbourhood Overlay (MNO) currently applies to the property. This limits building height to 8.9 metres (approximately 2 ½ storeys) and requires that the front setback is generally consistent with adjacent properties. The MNO will not apply to the proposed RA7 Zone.

The rezoning area contains one, approximately 697 square meter (7,502 ft2) parcel that is currently occupied by a single detached home. It’s located within one block of 109 Street NW and 111 Avenue NW and is within walking distance to John A. McDougall school and the Kingsway/Royal Alex LRT station.

The property’s existing RF1 Zone allows for the redevelopment of a new single detached house and other forms of small-scale housing such as secondary suites, garden suites, semi-detached housing, and duplex housing. View a comparison of key development regulations between the current RF1 Zone and proposed RA7 Zone.

Proposed Plan Amendment Details 

The Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is in effect for this area. The plan states that only 8 per cent of the remaining neighbourhood housing units are single detached or duplex housing. It further identifies the subject site as forming part of the “Neighbourhood Core”, an area intended to protect the remaining single housing stock.

The application includes proposed changes to the ARP to amend current policies that do not support development of this intensity at this location. The following amendment to the ARP is proposed: revise Map 5 to reflect the proposed rezoning of the site from RF1 to RA7.

Zoning regulates what types of buildings are allowed on a site (eg. residential or commercial) and the basic size and shape of those buildings. It does not control who can live or work in the buildings or whether the property is rented or owned. Please see sidebar for more information on what factors are considered when processing rezoning applications and how feedback will be used.

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning and plan amendment before the end of the day on February 21, 2022.

We will use any feedback that you share to ensure our review of the application considers local context, and will be summarized in our report to City Council so they are aware of public opinion before making a decision at Public Hearing.

This application is for a standard zone and the applicant is not required to provide detailed drawings at this time. If the rezoning is approved by City Council, the next step is to submit an application for a Development Permit, including detailed building plans.

Proposed Rezoning Details

The City has received an application to rezone the property at 11018 108 Street NW in the northwest corner of the Central McDougall Neighbourhood from
(RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone to (RA7) Low Rise Apartment Zone.

If approved, the proposed RA7 Zone would allow for the development of a low-rise apartment with a maximum height of 16.0 metres (approximately 4 storeys) with limited commercial opportunities at ground level, such as, but not limited to, child care services, general retail stores, and specialty food services. The applicant intends to build a residential apartment building with no commercial component.

The Mature Neighbourhood Overlay (MNO) currently applies to the property. This limits building height to 8.9 metres (approximately 2 ½ storeys) and requires that the front setback is generally consistent with adjacent properties. The MNO will not apply to the proposed RA7 Zone.

The rezoning area contains one, approximately 697 square meter (7,502 ft2) parcel that is currently occupied by a single detached home. It’s located within one block of 109 Street NW and 111 Avenue NW and is within walking distance to John A. McDougall school and the Kingsway/Royal Alex LRT station.

The property’s existing RF1 Zone allows for the redevelopment of a new single detached house and other forms of small-scale housing such as secondary suites, garden suites, semi-detached housing, and duplex housing. View a comparison of key development regulations between the current RF1 Zone and proposed RA7 Zone.

Proposed Plan Amendment Details 

The Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is in effect for this area. The plan states that only 8 per cent of the remaining neighbourhood housing units are single detached or duplex housing. It further identifies the subject site as forming part of the “Neighbourhood Core”, an area intended to protect the remaining single housing stock.

The application includes proposed changes to the ARP to amend current policies that do not support development of this intensity at this location. The following amendment to the ARP is proposed: revise Map 5 to reflect the proposed rezoning of the site from RF1 to RA7.

Zoning regulates what types of buildings are allowed on a site (eg. residential or commercial) and the basic size and shape of those buildings. It does not control who can live or work in the buildings or whether the property is rented or owned. Please see sidebar for more information on what factors are considered when processing rezoning applications and how feedback will be used.

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days

Please note you must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback.  However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.  Please refrain from submitting a question on the site, and providing a duplicate question to the planner.  It is not necessary to do both in order for the question to be received.