

23 May 2024

The City is reviewing an application to rezone the former Ellerslie Rugby Club site located at 10950 Ellerslie Road SW from the Agriculture Zone (AG) to the Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone (RSM h12.0), Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h16.0), Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h28.0), General Commercial Zone (CG), and Public Utility Zone (PU). This proposal would allow for:

  • RSM h12.0 Zone - Small to medium scale housing (Row Housing & Multi-unit Housing) up to 3 storeys (12 metres) in height
  • RM h16.0 Zone - Multi-unit housing up to 4 storeys (16 metres) in height
  • RM h28.0 Zone - Multi-unit housing up to 8 storeys (28 metres) in height
  • CG Zone - Commercial Uses up to 4 storeys (16 metres) in height
  • PU Zone - a stormwater management facility

Black and white map with four highlighted zones in the middle outlining areas of proposed rezoning (10950 Ellerslie Road SW)

This application includes proposed amendments to the Richford Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan to support the proposed rezoning.

The City Plan, Edmonton’s combined Municipal Development Plan and Transportation Master Plan, was approved in December 2020. The City Plan sets City Council’s direction, and charts out how we will accommodate 1 million additional residents in Edmonton. Recognizing the essential connection between land use and transportation, The City Plan identifies key areas within the city in a Nodes and Corridors system where population, business and employment growth are to be focused. Ellerslie Road at this location is identified as a Secondary Corridor. Secondary Corridors are intended to be vibrant residential and commercial streets that serve as a local destination for surrounding communities. A secondary corridor feels more residential in nature than a primary corridor. Some secondary corridors will include city-wide mass transit with the others near or served by district transit The typical massing/form is anticipated to be low-rise and mid-rise buildings.