

9 May 2024

The City has received a rezoning application from Situate Inc. to rezone 10425A and 10425 - 84 Avenue NW. The current zone is the Parks and Services Zone (PS) and the proposed zone is the Mixed Use Zone (MU h30.0 f5.5) which would allow:

  • A range of uses that support housing, recreation, commerce and employment opportunities.
  • A maximum height of 30.0 metres (approx. 8 storeys).
  • A maximum floor area ratio of 5.5 - 6.5.

A comparison of the key differences between the current and proposed zone can be found in the Zoning Comparison Table.

Aerial view of property and zoning boundaries, with the zone in the centre highlighted with a black bolded line

As the proposed zone is considered a ‘standard zone’, the applicant is not required to provide detailed building drawings at this stage in the planning process. If the rezoning is approved by City Council at a public hearing, the next step will be for the applicant to submit a Development Permit application. At that time, the applicant will be required to submit detailed building drawings to the City for review.

The proposed zoning does not guarantee the preservation of the old St. Anthony School building, which sits on the northeast end of the site. However, the owner intends to preserve it and is investigating adding it to the inventory of historic resources.

The District Policy, Scona District Plan and Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) repeal Bylaw have received first and second reading from City Council and are now at the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board (EMRB) before they return to Council for consideration of third reading. The District Policy and District Plans are policy documents that will be used to guide change toward The City Plan’s vision. Both documents focus on The City Plan’s Planning and Design, Mobility and Managing Growth Systems, and their underlying physical networks such as land use, transportation and development pattern areas. Together, the District Policy and District Plan will inform city-building decisions by civic administration, businesses, community organisations and residents. The site is located within the Scona District Plan and is identified within the Whyte Avenue & Calgary Trail/Gateway Boulevard Primary Corridors where mid-rise development is a supported built form (up to 8 storeys). Since Strathcona ARP repeal Bylaw has received two readings from the Council, the administration is not required to consider the ARP in their analysis.