

8 May 2024

The City is reviewing an application to rezone 9020 - 175 Street NW, 9104 - 175 Street NW, and 17503 - 93 Avenue NW from the Future Urban Development Zone (FD) to the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h23) and the Neighbourhood Parks and Services Zone (PSN). The rezoning to RM h23 will allow for the development of multi-unit housing and the rezoning to PSN will apply the appropriate zoning for the existing park. The Housing Action Team is proposing to move the development site from the original Summerlea surplus school site located at 17503 - 93 Avenue NW to the subject site for the rezoning. Key characteristics of the proposed RM h23 Zone include:

  • A maximum height of 23 metres (approximately six storeys)
  • A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.0
  • A minimum density of 75 dwellings per hectare

a black and white map of the area around the property that is proposed to be rezoned, with a dark grey box on the property

The City received 20 surplus school sites from the Edmonton Public School Board in 2009 after they were no longer required for schools. In 2015, City Council designated 14 of the sites for affordable housing. The development of these sites is guided by policy C583A, which prioritizes:

  • Access to affordable housing
  • Increased housing choice
  • Integration of housing, services and amenities

Two surplus school sites have already been prepared for development and sold at below-market value to affordable housing providers. The remaining 12 surplus school sites will be developed over the next three years. This includes seeking Council’s approval of rezoning, subdivision, and municipal reserve removal, where required, and a below-market land sale to an affordable housing provider.

In spring 2024, the Housing Action Team is pursuing rezoning approval for seven sites, including Summerlea. For more information about the City’s efforts to create more affordable housing, please visit or email the Housing Action Team at