LDA20-0216 Strathcona The Baron Rezoning

Consultation has concluded

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report is now available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report is now available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined.

Tell us what you think about the application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

This is a complete breach of trust in the public engagement process if this is approved. The neighborhood has had a number of exemptions go through which benefit developers but not residents. What community benefits came with the previous redevelopments?
Terrible idea.

Queen Alex Resident over 3 years ago

I'm totally opposed to this application. The Archibald Block adds significantly to the character and visual interest to the Stratthcona neighbourhood which has already lost several structures of historic significance. (Duggan Block, Minchau Building). History matters, and once this building is gone, it's gone forever. I reflect on my experience growing up in Toronto where entire blocks of historic buildings were razed to accommodate ugly concrete structures that today look unremarkable and add nothing to the character of the city. There should be a sympathetic balance of old and new in Strathcona, so please trade carefully.

James T over 3 years ago

I disagree with this proposal. This would destroy the character and appeal of whyte ave. There are many lots in the surrounding area that should be redeveloped instead of the proposed building.

Edmontonian2 over 3 years ago

Whyte Ave is such a wonderful hub of activity and community, and a big part of that is the historic architecture that makes up the area. I really do not approve of a Calgary development company going against previously laid out guidelines in order to push forward a personality-absent building to replace what is an institution of Whyte Ave and the Old Strathcona area.

C Moz over 3 years ago

I am very much against this proposal to demolish a historical building in a historical significant neighborhood. I am from Europe where history has been preserved to the benefit of cultural diversity and therefore, because of its cultural attractiveness, simultaneously stimulating economic development.

Margriet over 3 years ago

I'm concerned with what amounts to zero planning for the Old Strathcona area, as a resident of it (I say this given that virtually every proposed project violates guidelines in one way or another, and yet are approved. Guidelines need to be enforced if they are made). Whyte ave is defined by (and is economically desirable as a location due to) it's historical character and the pre-eminence of its surrounding forest canopy. Yet every development seems to assume that character is someone else's problem to maintain, and that their building need not contribute to it. This is not the case. I am not against re-development per se. However the 4-storey requirement should be maintained (with a podium setback), as it would better fit with the surrounding neighborhood, or this project should not be approved.

Blair Dary over 3 years ago

I am disappointed to hear that Pigs Fly might be torn down. Whyte Ave used to be a great place to while away the time. over the years it has slowly been destroyed by bars. The things that made it worthwhile have systematically been destroyed. When I left Alberta, I was lucky to purchase four pictures of Whyte Ave. When I look at these today and see what has become of this area it is so sad. A huge structure that is being planned is monstrous and probably futile in these times. How dead Whyte will become if this is allowed to happen. Please reconsider, don't destroy for the sake of a high rise.

lizzy over 3 years ago

I disagree with the proposed development for this site. I previously lived in Strathcona, and appreciated the many historical buildings in the area. This application for redevelopment should not proceed as it will unalterably change the nature of this area and will be highly visible being on this corner. Since there is consideration underway of this site being part of a designated historical resource, the application should be refused.

soneil22@telus.net over 3 years ago

I have no problem with redevelopment but the rules around hight and look must be upheld. Exeptions can not be made willy nilly just on a developers wish. I that is the case then there is no point to the rule as everyone will as for this. If they want to remove the building fine but the new one must conform to the clear guide lines.

Brandon Bard over 3 years ago

Whyte ave was once a sunny, vibrant street full of bustling historic buildings. It is slowly turning dark from the new tall buildings and the lack of character. As a resident of Strathcona I strongly oppose this rezoning as presented.

BHalv over 3 years ago

I am IN support of this development.
The current building is not designated historic in nature nor has ever been on any heritage registration list and does not resemble the original Archibald Block building.
The Strathcona City Council banned further wood construction in 1907 and it is my understanding that the proposed development will be developed utilizing Mass Timber which is an interesting coincidence and truly unique to Edmonton and the Whyte Ave area. The current building does not have historical significance however the proposed development will have historical significance as it is my understanding that it will be the first zero parking, Mass Timber, mixed use building in Canada. I would expect that this building will receive international positive attention and bring positive accolades and attention to the City of Edmonton.
The focus should be less on the height of the building (similar height buildings are within a half of block of the subject property) and more on the positives, namely:
- local businesses need more patrons and vibrancy to be successful which the subject development will accomplish
- the podium of the building seems to be designed with heritage architecture that fits well within this node of Whyte Ave.
- given the building will be located on the north side of the street there will not be shadowing along Whyte Ave
- there is a significant set back from the street
- Mass Timber is a more sustainable method of construction

KG over 3 years ago

Has anyone driven down Whyte recently? All the new big buildings are empty, for lease. What is with this city and it’s determination to demolish every single historical building to make room for towers and new buildings no one wants? We need to preserve the history of our city for future generations. Take a page from all of Europes book who preserve, restore, and cherish their historical buildings and landmarks.

jay hansen over 3 years ago

While I do like the idea of bringing in some taller and mixed use buildings to Whyte Ave we have to be careful of how many and where they are located. These buildings will change the culture of whyte ave, not necessarily for the better. Whyte ave is unique. When developing it we need to ensure we don't lose the feel and uniqueness it brings to Edmonton, AB and Canada

SS over 3 years ago

The proposed building has beautiful heritage podium architecture that fits in with the architectural vernacular of Whyte Ave, with sustainable, mass timber construction. This will improve the neighbourhood and the height and density will not have a negative impact on the street or neighbourhood.

Arshdeep over 3 years ago

I'm currently the project manager for a 6 storey mass timber building in eastern Canada and am extremely excited about the potential for more wood buildings over Canada. Being from Edmonton, I know that additional residential and commercial retail space is required to keep Whyte Avenue one of Edmonton's featured areas.

Christian Nordmark over 3 years ago

I think it is a great idea to rezone the site! Many benefits to all residents, in addition to increasing affordability.

Jordan Parker over 3 years ago

Removed by moderator.

K W Taylor over 3 years ago

Removed by moderator.

K W Taylor over 3 years ago

I am a resident of the Strathcona neighbourhood and I strongly believe this proposal should be rejected, especially due to its excessive height. Why are development plans even created if the City doesn't have the guts to adhere to them? The amount of exceptions made and the number of historic buildings we have already lost is embarrassing. Stop bending to the pressure of these developers and protect the historic character of Old Strathcona. Please and thank you!

AF over 3 years ago

Removed by moderator.

K W Taylor over 3 years ago