LDA21-0159 The Clifton- Westmount

A colour rendering of an 8-10 storey building, looking from a ground level view.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Please review the information and the video on this page, tell us what you think and/or ask any questions below, before the end of the day on July 19, 2021.

This application proposes to rezone the site at 10143 & 10145 Clifton Place NW, from an existing Site Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.959) to a new DC2. The existing DC2 provides regulations for three areas (A, B & C) along the southwest side of Clifton Place. The proposed revisions are for Area A only. Areas B and C will remain as is with minor updates to remove Area A, and to update terminology to match current Zoning Bylaw standards.

The proposed DC2 Provision for Area A maintains the following existing regulations for a residential tower:

  • A maximum height of 55 metres;

  • A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.0; and 

  • A maximum 55 dwellings; and

  • A maximum Tower Floor Plate of 650 m2.

The proposed revisions to the DC2 are summarized as follows:

  • Removal of row housing style dwellings at grade fronting Clifton Place;

  • Adjusting tower outline to remove the podium component;

  • Revising the site layout to move the building further north on the lot; 

  • Updating to current Zoning Bylaw standards for landscaping and sustainable design; and

  • Revisions to the community amenity contribution.

A project rendering of a building entranceway up close, at ground level looking towards the front door with a wall along the left side, leading to the doorBuilding Entry to The Clifton (Applicant Renderings are subject to change)

The existing community contributions include the provision for:

  • $46,000 for public art; and 

  • A trail and viewpoint behind the property, connecting between a public access easement along the southeast property line and the public park located to the northwest of the site.

The proposed community contribution would provide:

  • Provide funds for the future development of a trail behind property;

  • Upgrade/resurface the rest of Clifton Place NW, improve the sidewalk along the southwest of Clifton Place NW and upgrade the connection between Clifton Place NW and Jasper Avenue/125 Street.

For more information on this application, please view the video below:

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Please review the information and the video on this page, tell us what you think and/or ask any questions below, before the end of the day on July 19, 2021.

This application proposes to rezone the site at 10143 & 10145 Clifton Place NW, from an existing Site Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.959) to a new DC2. The existing DC2 provides regulations for three areas (A, B & C) along the southwest side of Clifton Place. The proposed revisions are for Area A only. Areas B and C will remain as is with minor updates to remove Area A, and to update terminology to match current Zoning Bylaw standards.

The proposed DC2 Provision for Area A maintains the following existing regulations for a residential tower:

  • A maximum height of 55 metres;

  • A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.0; and 

  • A maximum 55 dwellings; and

  • A maximum Tower Floor Plate of 650 m2.

The proposed revisions to the DC2 are summarized as follows:

  • Removal of row housing style dwellings at grade fronting Clifton Place;

  • Adjusting tower outline to remove the podium component;

  • Revising the site layout to move the building further north on the lot; 

  • Updating to current Zoning Bylaw standards for landscaping and sustainable design; and

  • Revisions to the community amenity contribution.

A project rendering of a building entranceway up close, at ground level looking towards the front door with a wall along the left side, leading to the doorBuilding Entry to The Clifton (Applicant Renderings are subject to change)

The existing community contributions include the provision for:

  • $46,000 for public art; and 

  • A trail and viewpoint behind the property, connecting between a public access easement along the southeast property line and the public park located to the northwest of the site.

The proposed community contribution would provide:

  • Provide funds for the future development of a trail behind property;

  • Upgrade/resurface the rest of Clifton Place NW, improve the sidewalk along the southwest of Clifton Place NW and upgrade the connection between Clifton Place NW and Jasper Avenue/125 Street.

For more information on this application, please view the video below:

Consultation has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days

Please note you must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback.  However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.