University - Garneau Priority Growth Area Rezoning

Consultation has concluded

Get involved!

The City is pursuing proactive rezonings in the University-Garneau Major Node to help leverage transit investment and encourage more housing development and business investment in this important area.

Not all land within the area will be rezoned. As outlined on the map below, the City is recommending selecting key sites near 109 Street, 87 Avenue, and south of 82 Avenue, where policy in The City Plan and the forthcoming District Plans supports additional housing.

We are now collecting feedback to help inform which specific sites should be selected for rezoning and what standard zones within the new Zoning Bylaw should be applied to the chosen sites. This includes gathering input to help determine what zone modifiers should be used to guide the maximum heights and footprints of buildings to ensure they fit in with the surrounding neighbourhood and which buildings should have ground-floor, street-facing business space.

For More Information

To read more about the potential rezonings in this Priority Growth Area,click on the Learn More section below or review the Document Library on the sidebar.

Engagement Opportunities

Share your feedback using the engagement opportunities below.

Digital Engagement

Digital engagement will be open from July 22 until September 2, 2024.

  • Interactive Map - Use the color-coded pins to tell us what properties you think should be selected for rezoning, which properties should be required to have ground-floor, street-facing businesses in the buildings, and which sites along arterial roads are best suited for taller buildings.

  • Discussion Forum - Use the discussion threads to provide your thoughts on the proposed rezoning focus areas. This includes which sites within the areas you think should be selected for rezoning, the height and footprint for buildings located on those sites and which buildings should be required to have ground-floor, street facing businesses.

  • Ask a Question- Use the Q&A tool to ask the project team a question. Questions will be captured as part of engagement feedback.

  • Schedule a Chat with a Planner via Google Meet about your feedback or questions related to the project. Phone or in-person meeting option available upon request.

In-Person, Drop-In Workshop:

Date: August 15, 2024
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: University of Alberta Van Vliet Complex, Room 1-662, 8831 - 116 Street NW

Register: RSVP today.

Get involved!

The City is pursuing proactive rezonings in the University-Garneau Major Node to help leverage transit investment and encourage more housing development and business investment in this important area.

Not all land within the area will be rezoned. As outlined on the map below, the City is recommending selecting key sites near 109 Street, 87 Avenue, and south of 82 Avenue, where policy in The City Plan and the forthcoming District Plans supports additional housing.

We are now collecting feedback to help inform which specific sites should be selected for rezoning and what standard zones within the new Zoning Bylaw should be applied to the chosen sites. This includes gathering input to help determine what zone modifiers should be used to guide the maximum heights and footprints of buildings to ensure they fit in with the surrounding neighbourhood and which buildings should have ground-floor, street-facing business space.

For More Information

To read more about the potential rezonings in this Priority Growth Area,click on the Learn More section below or review the Document Library on the sidebar.

Engagement Opportunities

Share your feedback using the engagement opportunities below.

Digital Engagement

Digital engagement will be open from July 22 until September 2, 2024.

  • Interactive Map - Use the color-coded pins to tell us what properties you think should be selected for rezoning, which properties should be required to have ground-floor, street-facing businesses in the buildings, and which sites along arterial roads are best suited for taller buildings.

  • Discussion Forum - Use the discussion threads to provide your thoughts on the proposed rezoning focus areas. This includes which sites within the areas you think should be selected for rezoning, the height and footprint for buildings located on those sites and which buildings should be required to have ground-floor, street facing businesses.

  • Ask a Question- Use the Q&A tool to ask the project team a question. Questions will be captured as part of engagement feedback.

  • Schedule a Chat with a Planner via Google Meet about your feedback or questions related to the project. Phone or in-person meeting option available upon request.

In-Person, Drop-In Workshop:

Date: August 15, 2024
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: University of Alberta Van Vliet Complex, Room 1-662, 8831 - 116 Street NW

Register: RSVP today.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have specific questions about the Priority Growth Area rezoning project? Let us know and we’ll provide you with more information. Review our FAQ for responses to commonly asked questions. To receive ongoing project updates, sign up for our mailing list using the ‘Stay Informed’ button in the right hand sidebar.

  • What will this mean for Garneau Public School, which is within the proposed rezoning area?

    QAite asked about 1 month ago

    The initial focus areas were created as a starting point for further examination and dialogue with stakeholders. Parcels that include parks, heritage buildings, schools, or have other limitations will not be considered for future rezoning.