***The discussion has concluded, thank you for providing feedback for consideration. A What We Heard Report is now available which summarizes the feedback received.
The application passed through City Council Public Hearing on April 22, 2024. For more information, please visit these FAQs for council meetings.***
Get involved!
You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from February 20 until March 10, 2024.
- Learn More about the application, how feedback is used and next steps
- Ask a Question to the Project Planner any questions you have about the application
- Share Your Thoughts about the application
What Happens Next
We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.
Learn More
Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning.
The role of the public is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum, which means that the City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and takes neighbourhood context into consideration. It will also be summarized for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision at a future Public Hearing.
Application Details - Rezoning:
The City has received an application from Green Space Alliance to rezone 8726, 8730, and 8734 - 116 Street NW, in the Windsor Park neighborhood from the (RS) Small Scale Residential Zone to the (RM h23) Medium Scale Residential Zone.
The existing RS zoning allows for a range of small scale residential developments up to 3 storeys in height, including detached, attached, and multi-unit housing. These properties are currently occupied by single detached homes and redevelopment under the existing zoning would be limited to a maximum of eight dwellings per property.
The proposed rezoning from the (RS) Small Scale Residential Zone to the (RM h23) Medium Scale Residential Zone would allow for a 23 metre high residential building (approximately 6 storeys) with opportunities for ground floor community and commercial developments to provide services to local residents.
View a table comparing the key development regulation differences between the current RS Zone and the proposed RM Zone. Additional key regulations of the RM Zone include a 3 metre interior stepback above the fourth floor, design regulations to minimize the perception of massing, and having ground floor units with individual entrances to improve interaction with the street.
Potential Built Form - Southeast View
Potential Built Form - Southwest View
As the proposed zoning is considered a ‘standard zone’, the applicant is not required to provide detailed building drawings at this stage in the planning process. If the rezoning is approved by City Council at a public hearing, the next step will be for the applicant to submit a Development Permit application. At that time, the applicant will be required to submit detailed building drawings to the City for review.
The role of the public when participating in engagement activities for proposed rezonings is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum. This means that the City will use any feedback you share to:
- Inform the City’s planning analysis and ensure all factors are taken into consideration
- Help inform conversations with the applicant about making revisions to address concerns
- Summarize feedback for City Council so they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision at Public Hearing
A What We Heard report that summarises the feedback received is posted online and provided to the Ward Councillor as well as anyone who registers and provides feedback through this page or by contacting the file planner directly.
City planners use the Public Engagement Charter for rezonings as a guide when determining what type of engagement activities are most appropriate to help inform rezoning proposal reviews
Please Note: Because standard zones apply to multiple sites across the city, the City cannot adjust or customize the individual regulations within these zones for a specific site. When rezoning to a Direct Control zone (DC1 or DC2), there is opportunity for the public engagement to inform adjustments to the proposed regulations because these zones apply to a specific site or area only.Public Hearing
Once the City completes its review and recommendation and the applicant is ready to take the application to City Council for a decision, the City sets a Public Hearing date. Notices are sent to all property owners within a minimum of 60 metres of the lands being rezoned, as well as affected community leagues and business associations advising them of the Public Hearing date.
Register to Speak to Council or Submit Comments
Public Hearings are an important part of the engagement process for rezonings. Members of the public can share their views on the proposed rezoning directly with Council by registering to speak at the City Council Public Hearing once the hearing agenda is posted.
Written comments can also be submitted to City Council through the Office of the City Clerk. Edmontonians can also watch the Public Hearing online.
If the Application is Approved
If the rezoning is approved by Council, the next step is for the developer to apply for development and building permits to start construction. Timelines for submitting these applications and starting construction are typically at the developer’s discretion.
Ask a Question
Ask Us Questions About The Application
Use the tool below to submit a question to the file planner or see what others have been asking. Answers are posted within 5 business days. When needed, we will also work with the applicant to provide an answer.
You will need to provide a screen name and email as all questions go through an automated moderation process. Your screen name will be displayed but all other information is kept confidential.
Ask a question directly to the City file planner who is processing the application.