Yellowhead Trail - 156 Street to St. Albert Trail

Consultation has concluded

Yellowhead Trail is being converted to a freeway. We are currently doing the engineering design for the portion of Yellowhead Trail between 156 Street and St. Albert Trail. Construction is expected to start in 2021.

Share your feedback about the project until October 30, below.

Watch this video for an overview of the 156 Street to St. Albert Trail project:

See how the proposed changes might affect your commute. 

Watch the video above and then the others below that are most interesting to you. Project area maps can be found in the document library on the right.

Yellowhead Trail 156 Street to St. Albert Trail videos:

To follow the physical distancing requirements currently in place due to COVID-19, all in-person engagement sessions have been put on hold. We value your input, however, and encourage you to share your feedback with us.

Please start with the Guestbook, below. Moving to the right, see the Project History, where information about the public and stakeholder engagement in the Concept Phase can be found. Consider asking our project team any questions that you might have. Finally, take a quick three question survey.

Yellowhead Trail is being converted to a freeway. We are currently doing the engineering design for the portion of Yellowhead Trail between 156 Street and St. Albert Trail. Construction is expected to start in 2021.

Share your feedback about the project until October 30, below.

Watch this video for an overview of the 156 Street to St. Albert Trail project:

See how the proposed changes might affect your commute. 

Watch the video above and then the others below that are most interesting to you. Project area maps can be found in the document library on the right.

Yellowhead Trail 156 Street to St. Albert Trail videos:

To follow the physical distancing requirements currently in place due to COVID-19, all in-person engagement sessions have been put on hold. We value your input, however, and encourage you to share your feedback with us.

Please start with the Guestbook, below. Moving to the right, see the Project History, where information about the public and stakeholder engagement in the Concept Phase can be found. Consider asking our project team any questions that you might have. Finally, take a quick three question survey.

Consultation has concluded

Ask a specific question...

  • How will active modes and neighbourhood connections be accommodated in this plan? The north side is already isolated from the rest of the city, and there are really limited regional connections to St Albert etc. As land is developed, the Yellowhead trail will cut off the NW corner even more and keep it as an undesirable and undeveloped corner of the city. This is still an employment area, at least widen the walks to Shared Paths, it's disappointing that walking and biking infrastructure hasn't been considered at all.

    yegperson asked almost 4 years ago

    Active mode connections are important to the City and are being considered as part of the Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion Program. 

    As part of the 156 Street to St. Albert Trail project, the City evaluated whether a shared-use path could be accommodated on the north side of Yellowhead Trail.  While there is insufficient right-of-way available for a shared-use path, the City is constructing new sidewalks along the new service roads, both north and south of Yellowhead Trail. The City is also evaluating whether an on-street bike connection may be provided south of Yellowhead Trail through the Dovercourt neighbourhood, to provide an additional connection between 142 Street and St. Albert Trail.

    As part of the St. Albert Trail to 97 Street Concept Planning study , the City is also evaluating a shared-use path south of Yellowhead Trail, between St. Albert Trail and the new Blatchford community.  This east-west connection would provide active mode connectivity between Sherbrooke, Prince Charles, and Blatchford and would be accessed, at a minimum, from north-south connections across Yellowhead Trail at St. Albert Trail and 127 Street.  

    More information on the St. Albert Trail to 97 Street project can be found here.

  • Has any traffic modelling been done for any of the options?

    Daniel D asked almost 4 years ago

    The concept plan for 156 Street to St. Albert Trail was developed in 2014, and approved in 2015.  Traffic modeling was done at that time, to differentiate some of the major options as well as to determine whether upgrades on parallel roadways were necessary.  It was as a result of the traffic modeling that improvements were identified as being required along 123 Avenue, 124 Avenue and 128 Avenue, to support the final concept plan.  Work along these east-west connections will be completed this year, prior to the start of construction for the 156 Street to St. Albert Trail project.  More information on these projects is available here .

    Recent modeling specific to the 156 Street to Yellowhead Trail project identified some improvements to the 2014/2015 plans, for instance, an additional transfer lane (or exit) from Yellowhead Trail, west of St. Albert Trail.  This has been incorporated into the design.

    Additional traffic modeling is also ongoing for the Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion Program overall to ensure that changes along the corridor, for all projects, are properly integrated.  

  • Which business locations will be forced to closed due to construction? Specifically thinking of businesses at 142nd street and 149st on the Yellowhead.

    rkk asked almost 4 years ago

    The gas station and McDonald's buildings will be directly impacted by construction of the new westbound service road, on the north side of Yellowhead Trail near 142 Street.  The City is continuing to work with PetroCan and McDonald's to confirm the timing of when those businesses will be closed.  

    There may be additional property impacts south of Yellowhead Trail near 142 Street to improve stormwater management (drainage) in the area, and the City is working with the potentially impacted property owner to confirm whether this can be accommodated.

  • When will the business north of 142 St (gas station, strip mall and McDonald's) be demolished?

    KieranK asked almost 4 years ago

    The gas station and McDonald's buildings will be directly impacted by construction of the new westbound service road.  Demolition of these buildings is anticipated in mid-2021, however the City is continuing to work with PetroCan and McDonald's to confirm the exact timing.  The strip mall north of these buildings is not directly impacted by the widening, and will not be demolished as part of the project.