The Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative

Engagement on the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative has concluded on July 30, 2023. This page was used for Phase 3 engagement and is closed.

The Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative has formally concluded as of March 31, 2024.   

The new Zoning Bylaw (Charter Bylaw 20001) and city-wide rezoning (Charter Bylaw 21001) were approved by City Council on october 23, 2023 and took effect on January 1, 2024 – representing a major milestone in implementing The City Plan. Thousands of Edmontonians played a critical role in shaping the new Zoning Bylaw. Information about the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative, including information on our engagement process, remains available on

The City of Edmonton has been hosting conversations on the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative since 2018, and we thank Edmontonians for their input and interest in learning about this key city-building initiative. 

The new draft bylaw’s philosophy, regulations and key shifts are guided by The City Plan and represent years of research and feedback gathered from a wide range of Edmontonians and City Council. Here's a visual snapshot of our engagement activities throughout the project phases.

City Administration presented the latest draft Zoning Bylaw to City Council’s Urban Planning Committee on June 20, 2023. At the meeting, the Committee passed a motion requesting:

Administration establish a process for Members of Council to submit written questions by July 30, 2023, and Administration provide responses related to the Draft Zoning Bylaw presented in Attachment 1 of the June 20, 2023, Urban Planning and Economy report UPE01636, and that both questions and answers be made available on the City’s website. 

Due to the volume of questions received, responses to City Councillor questions about the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative will continue to be posted until October 3, 2023, on

What Happens Next

Public Hearing: October 16, 2023

The City will bring forward the finalized new Zoning Bylaw and citywide Rezoning Map to City Council Public Hearing on October 16, 2023 and will also provide notice of the rezoning bylaw posting on the City’s website a minimum of 30 days prior on September 16, 2023. The proposed new Zoning Bylaw and new Rezoning Map will be available on the City’s website at this time. Edmontonians will be invited to register to speak and participate in the Public Hearing Process. More information on public participation in Council meetings may be found here.

Pending approval at public hearing, the new Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map will come into effect on January 1, 2024.

Learn More

  • View the draft Zoning Bylaw, along with feedback shared by Edmontonians throughout May. Note: Green text indicates changes made from the Fall 2022 draft bylaw. If you're looking for a simpler, condensed version of the bylaw, check out the Overview of the Zoning Bylaw.
  • Get familiar with the zones that apply to you (current and proposed) using the "Know Your Zone" Rezoning Map. Check out the Guiding Principles that provided the strategy for the city-wide rezoning project and then the Proposed Zone Equivalencies.
  • Read the Phase 2 What We Heard Report summarizing last year's engagement and feedback.
  • Explore the new online platform that will house the Zoning Bylaw once in effect.

Engagement on the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative has concluded on July 30, 2023. This page was used for Phase 3 engagement and is closed.

The Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative has formally concluded as of March 31, 2024.   

The new Zoning Bylaw (Charter Bylaw 20001) and city-wide rezoning (Charter Bylaw 21001) were approved by City Council on october 23, 2023 and took effect on January 1, 2024 – representing a major milestone in implementing The City Plan. Thousands of Edmontonians played a critical role in shaping the new Zoning Bylaw. Information about the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative, including information on our engagement process, remains available on

The City of Edmonton has been hosting conversations on the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative since 2018, and we thank Edmontonians for their input and interest in learning about this key city-building initiative. 

The new draft bylaw’s philosophy, regulations and key shifts are guided by The City Plan and represent years of research and feedback gathered from a wide range of Edmontonians and City Council. Here's a visual snapshot of our engagement activities throughout the project phases.

City Administration presented the latest draft Zoning Bylaw to City Council’s Urban Planning Committee on June 20, 2023. At the meeting, the Committee passed a motion requesting:

Administration establish a process for Members of Council to submit written questions by July 30, 2023, and Administration provide responses related to the Draft Zoning Bylaw presented in Attachment 1 of the June 20, 2023, Urban Planning and Economy report UPE01636, and that both questions and answers be made available on the City’s website. 

Due to the volume of questions received, responses to City Councillor questions about the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative will continue to be posted until October 3, 2023, on

What Happens Next

Public Hearing: October 16, 2023

The City will bring forward the finalized new Zoning Bylaw and citywide Rezoning Map to City Council Public Hearing on October 16, 2023 and will also provide notice of the rezoning bylaw posting on the City’s website a minimum of 30 days prior on September 16, 2023. The proposed new Zoning Bylaw and new Rezoning Map will be available on the City’s website at this time. Edmontonians will be invited to register to speak and participate in the Public Hearing Process. More information on public participation in Council meetings may be found here.

Pending approval at public hearing, the new Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map will come into effect on January 1, 2024.

Learn More

  • View the draft Zoning Bylaw, along with feedback shared by Edmontonians throughout May. Note: Green text indicates changes made from the Fall 2022 draft bylaw. If you're looking for a simpler, condensed version of the bylaw, check out the Overview of the Zoning Bylaw.
  • Get familiar with the zones that apply to you (current and proposed) using the "Know Your Zone" Rezoning Map. Check out the Guiding Principles that provided the strategy for the city-wide rezoning project and then the Proposed Zone Equivalencies.
  • Read the Phase 2 What We Heard Report summarizing last year's engagement and feedback.
  • Explore the new online platform that will house the Zoning Bylaw once in effect.
CLOSED: This quick poll has concluded.

What sector/group best describes how you're engaging on the Zoning Bylaw?

Property owner or renter
Community league board member
Non-profit organization
Business operator or owner
Academic institution
City of Edmonton staff
Total Votes : 7