District Planning

Engagement has concluded

This page was used for Phase 2 engagement and is closed. Please visit our project website for Phase 3 engagement opportunities.

District Planning is a multi-year project to build The City Plan’s 15-minute districts—small towns in our big city— where people can meet many of their daily needs locally. At this time, the City would like your input on the draft District General Policy and draft district plans. 

Check out the draft District General Policy, the draft district plans and Area Plans Proposed to be Repealed, Amended or RetainedTo learn which neighbourhoods are located in each district, review the District and Neighbourhoods Maps. You have from August 23 until the end of November to share your input. At this time, feedback is being received via online workshops. 

Digital Engagement Opportunities

Online Workshops - Help refine the draft Zoning Bylaw, draft District General Policy and district plans through a series of online workshops. Register for one or more of the following interactive online workshops to learn more and provide your feedback on the following topics. Sessions are limited to 80 participants each. 

This page was used for Phase 2 engagement and is closed. Please visit our project website for Phase 3 engagement opportunities.

District Planning is a multi-year project to build The City Plan’s 15-minute districts—small towns in our big city— where people can meet many of their daily needs locally. At this time, the City would like your input on the draft District General Policy and draft district plans. 

Check out the draft District General Policy, the draft district plans and Area Plans Proposed to be Repealed, Amended or RetainedTo learn which neighbourhoods are located in each district, review the District and Neighbourhoods Maps. You have from August 23 until the end of November to share your input. At this time, feedback is being received via online workshops. 

Digital Engagement Opportunities

Online Workshops - Help refine the draft Zoning Bylaw, draft District General Policy and district plans through a series of online workshops. Register for one or more of the following interactive online workshops to learn more and provide your feedback on the following topics. Sessions are limited to 80 participants each. 

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the District Planning project team.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days. 

  • Your query may be used in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that will address answers to common questions.

  • All neighbourhoods in the Scona district plan are identified for “Urban Mix” housing, but some neighbourhoods are close to major and secondary nodes or primary corridors. What influence is a major node or primary corridor expected to have on the densification of the neighbourhood?

    Elaine asked about 2 years ago

    Urban Mix is a land use category that can apply to land both within, and outside of nodes and corridors. The City Plan directs us to "Enable ongoing residential infill to occur at a variety of scales, densities and designs within all parts of the residential area" ( The draft District General Policy directs "more intense development, in terms of scale and density, to intensification areas within nodes and corridors" ( and supports "small scale infill housing in the interior of residential neighbourhoods" These policies indicate that the interior of neighbourhoods (outside of the nodes and corridors) are expected to redevelop to "small scale" forms, as described in the draft zoning bylaw, and generally include residential uses up to 3 storeys in height, including detached, attached, and other multi-unit housing forms. This is true regardless of if a node or corridor exists at the edge of that neighbourhood or not.

    In order to "transition from higher built form within nodes and corridors to lower built form in the interior of neighbourhoods" (DGP, some small-medium scale redevelopment is expected at sites abutting the node and corridor boundaries. This would include row housing and multi-unit housing 3 to 4 stories in height. Proposed regulations for this type of development will be presented in the draft Zoning Bylaw.

  • Is Lee Ridge Trailer park area (T6K 0N2) being redeveloped?

    Marilyn Isbister asked about 2 years ago

    District planning will not be proposing redevelopment of any privately owned lands.
    District planning will build off The City Plan (2020) which identified nodes and corridors for density as we grow.

    In the draft Mill Woods and Meadows District Plan, Lee Ridge Trailer Park has not been identified for intensification in the Direction to 1.25 Million map, however, it is included in the Urban Mix land use category on the Land Use Concept map.

    The Urban Mix land use category allows for a variety of zones. For more information on the Urban Mix policy, please refer to Section 2.2.2 of the draft District General Policy.

    In order for redevelopment to occur, such as increasing density, a homeowner or developer would need to refer to the parcel's zoning and potentially rezone if the current zoning does not allow for the type of development they would like to pursue.

    Edmonton’s zoning bylaw is currently undergoing renewal. Please visit the project’s website for engagement opportunities and resources: Zoning Bylaw Renewal.
    Please let us know if you would like a phone call or have any additional questions. We would be happy to clarify further!