Glengarry District Park Renewal

Engagement has concluded

Thank you for your participation. You can still view the questions and answers that were submitted on this page. Please visit the project website for future updates.

The Glengarry District is in the design phase of the park renewal. This 22-hectare park is located in the Glengarry neighbourhood in North East Edmonton.

Within the district park there are multiple soccer fields, baseball diamonds, a running track, tennis courts, playground, spray park, trails, benches and picnic areas, including one picnic shelter. The north half of the site is well landscaped with shrub beds and tree planting. All of these items we are looking for public input for potential future upgrades

Have a look at the concept video, and review the documents in the Document Library to learn more about the project.

With public events postponed and physical distancing a priority during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to delivering project information and meaningful online public engagement opportunities. Your input, along with design considerations, technical requirements, and City policies and programs will help determine the design plan for Glengarry District Park.

Please click on the survey link below to provide your feedback, ask your questions in the Q&A tool below, and review the engagement plan documents to learn more about the park renewal. Engagement will be open from September 8, 2020 - September 22, 2020. Please note, 132 Avenue Renewal engagement is also underway from September 14, visit: for more information.

Survey button asking participants to take the survey. Blue background, white text, and computer image

The Glengarry District is in the design phase of the park renewal. This 22-hectare park is located in the Glengarry neighbourhood in North East Edmonton.

Within the district park there are multiple soccer fields, baseball diamonds, a running track, tennis courts, playground, spray park, trails, benches and picnic areas, including one picnic shelter. The north half of the site is well landscaped with shrub beds and tree planting. All of these items we are looking for public input for potential future upgrades

Have a look at the concept video, and review the documents in the Document Library to learn more about the project.

With public events postponed and physical distancing a priority during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to delivering project information and meaningful online public engagement opportunities. Your input, along with design considerations, technical requirements, and City policies and programs will help determine the design plan for Glengarry District Park.

Please click on the survey link below to provide your feedback, ask your questions in the Q&A tool below, and review the engagement plan documents to learn more about the park renewal. Engagement will be open from September 8, 2020 - September 22, 2020. Please note, 132 Avenue Renewal engagement is also underway from September 14, visit: for more information.

Survey button asking participants to take the survey. Blue background, white text, and computer image

Engagement has concluded

Thank you for your participation. You can still view the questions and answers that were submitted on this page. Please visit the project website for future updates.

After reviewing the project presentation, and taking the survey, please ask your questions to the project team. 

  • wow what a way to spend the city has plans to spend all this money on park when they can not even maintain what is here ?? they have dead trees for years still standing. , beds never been weeded properly, grass not cut under the trees and you have a few older people walking around picking up garbage almost every day and now these beds are being wood chipped beds with out even being weeded !!! the city handed over a bed to the communtity to look after but never cleaned it up first.. maybe someone should have looked at that first ??? The city can not even filled the pot holes on 135 ave that passes right in front of the proposed park which is a bus route with many schools in this area..also with the proposed parking lot you have increased the volume of people here creating a bigger traffic problem . I bought this place as many for the view of the park NOT a parking lot. I want to ask a few questions like :how big do you think this park is? In my opinion there is no need for a mountain bike park. MY God who going to come here and ride a bike when we have the river valley paths. Why do you find it necessary to have all these workout pods placed everywhere along the park when there is a fitness center adjoining the park?? Why do we need to have bleachers at minor soccer fields and such? And the big question I have is who the heck came up with this "Naturalization " crap??? It was brought in as a way for the city to save money but I ask you, why do I want that when I live in the city? that area is a mess and an embarrassment. The only forest is around the outside and a few of those trees are dying and the beds have not been maintained for years.. well there is no nozious weeds in that area and if i see one I should phone ?? what this ?? the only real weed problem that you (the city) has not dealt with the dandelion problem but but spread it everywhere.. nice way to get out of doing work .That is country living crap and all it does is breed rodents and insects and he low lying area is a breeding grounds for mosquitoes making perfectly good usable park space unusable. Many peole who live here walk everyday around that park and like quiet .. you will take this away So I believe at this time save the money clean up what we have before adding more that you can not maintain.. If you have to put those things in put they in the middle of those empty grass fields areas leave the outside so people can walk in silence and people around the outside area enjoy looking at the trees and park that why they bought and pay taxes here for... not parking lots and more people who come here leave a mess and leave..

    L asked almost 4 years ago

    Thanks for your feedback.  We recognize that the infrastructure in Glengarry Park, like many District Activity Parks located in mature neighbourhoods, has reached the end of its life cycle and that’s why it was identified for renewal. This will include new shrub beds and tree planting. 

    District Activity Parks are meant to support a wide variety of facilities, programs and open space opportunities. The goal of the project is to enhance the park for all ages to enjoy. Through our public engagement events from 2016 to today, the schools and community have brought forward the potential features that are presented in the current concept plan for the park. Through continued public engagement, like this, we will continue to gauge the desire for the park features presented.

    At this point, nothing is final and the vast majority of the features included in the concept plan are considered “growth items.” These items would not proceed until additional funding is approved. Other items, such as the playground area and spray deck that are at the end of their life cycle, are considered “renewal items” and will be upgraded from the renewal funding that has already been allocated to the project.

  • I appreciated the detail put into the preliminary design and the survey questions. I was wondering if there was consideration for more pickleball courts in earlier stages of the design, and if there is still opportunity to consider more courts. I have used a number of dedicated court areas in the Edmonton area and find them very well used, enhancing the community (people of all ages coming together) as well as security. A minimum of about 8 courts tends to work well for organized play and tournaments.

    Don asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback. As part of the survey we are asking what the user’s preference is for the existing tennis courts. We are considering changing 2 of the 4 courts to pickleball courts, or if the feedback indicates the need for more pickleball courts, there is a possibility to convert all 4 courts to pickleball. Please take the survey, and share your thoughts if you haven’t yet already.

  • Hello, We are a family of 6 and are enthusiastic about the new upgrades and changes coming to the park. We have reviewed the videos and conducted an in-house vote. Our selections for the requested items for feedback are as follows: Peaked or sloped roofs for the picnic areas: Peaked – vote results 4 to 2. Reasons: Flat roofs are more modern looking. Skate Park; Option 1 or 2: Option 2 – vote results: 6 to 0. Reasons: Less technical, more flow. Bike Park and Track: Option 2 – vote results: 2 to 2. Reasons: More flow and better opportunity for inclusive riding to riders of all ages. We were also curious is there might be an opportunity for one or more of my children to be involved in the final design and perhaps testing of the bike track and skate park? We would love to be involved, if permitted. Regards, Calvin, Christy, Liam, Rokko, Sophia and Cooper Van Laar

    Van Laar Family asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your family's feedback. We are glad to hear that your family is excited about the proposed developments at Glengarry Park. It is important for us to hear from the local community, and as we move forward with project elements, including the bike track and skateboard park,  there will be additional opportunities for engagement and feedback.  Thanks again!

  • Not a question, just a comment. Thank you for this great design and layout. It's exciting for a family of 6 to see things that are specifically towards their interests!

    Van Laar Family asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback! 

  • Is it possible for basketball hoops & seating( and lighting?) to be installed in the actual park instead of NW corner of St Cecilia school field? I live across the street- I can foresee lots of activity(noise). I think it's a great idea- just not a fan of the location.

    Mair asked almost 4 years ago

    Thanks for your question!

    The current location for the basketball courts was developed as a need for the school programs. The proposed location was selected in the Master Plan for Glengarry District Park due to the proximity to the schools, since other locations were already being used for soccer and track fields. The basketball courts are growth items and will only be implemented should funding become available in the future.

  • Hi! I saw that an off-leash area was included in the designs but not in the presentation or survey. Just hoping to connect about the inclusion of the off-leash area to make sure the Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy and planning/design elements are considered.

    Beckie asked almost 4 years ago

    Thanks for your feedback!

    The dogs off-leash area is identified on slide 5 of the presentations. As we progress in the project, the dogs off leash area will follow the Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy. 

    If you have any specific comments regarding the dogs off leash area proposed for Glengarry District Park, please email the Project Manager.

  • I like how I wake up to this information brocher in my mailbox explaining how the city has plans to spend.d all this money on park place.s however they cant fix the road 135 ave that passes right in front of the proposed park. I want to ask number one, where is this cities priorities?? Number two, how big do you think this park is? In my opinion there is no need for a mountain bike park. What is the beutiful river valley for? Why do you find it necessary to have all these workout pods placed everywhere along the park when there is a fitness center adjoining the park?? Why do we need to have bleachers at minor soccer fields and such? And the last question I have is who the heck came up with this "Naturalization " crap??? It was brought in as a way for the city to save money but I ask you, why do I want that when I live in the city? That is country living crap and all it does is breed rodents and insects making perfectly good usable park space unusable.

    Collin asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback. We have reviewed your question and understand that your concerns are around how the City prioritizes, some specific aspects of the park elements and road conditions along 135 avenue. Our response below will hopefully address these concerns. 

    Glengarry Park is defined as a “District Activity Park.” These parks are an integral part of the City’s park system and support a wide variety of facilities, programs and open space opportunities. Over half of the District Activity Parks in Edmonton are located in mature neighbourhoods, and the infrastructure in those parks is beyond its expected life cycle. A long-term strategic approach to renew District Parks was established through the District Park Renewal Program. This program is still a priority as we work to ensure we are building a city that will sustain and support us today and 20, 50 and 100 years from now. 

    In terms of elements that will be included in the park, during the public engagement events (held from 2016 to 2018 in support of the development of the Master Plan for Glengarry Park), park features such as a mountain bike skills area, bleachers, and workout pods were supported, which is why we are asking for feedback now to understand the current appetite for these features. We wanted to provide a wide variety of options for the public to weigh in on and encourage you to respond to the survey and provide your input on the elements you would and would not like to see in Glengarry Park. 

    Additionally, the majority of the features in the survey are considered “growth items” and would not proceed until additional funding is approved. Other items, such as the playground area and spray deck that are at the end of their life cycle, are considered “renewal items” and will be upgraded from the renewal funding that has already been allocated to the project. 

    To address your comments on 135 avenue, we encourage you to report any road maintenance requests through the 311 app, submitting a photo if possible, or by contacting 311 to inform the City about your concerns. This will ensure your concern is received through the appropriate channels. An inspector will be dispatched to assess the area and what can be done to correct issues, if anything.