LDA22-0403 Rivers Edge Amendment

Engagement has concluded

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You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from August 8, 2023 until August 22, 2023.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Get involved!

You are invited to learn more about the application and share feedback online. The following engagement opportunities are open from August 8, 2023 until August 22, 2023.

What Happens Next

We will use feedback shared to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible. After engagement is closed, feedback received will be summarized in a What We Heard report for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

Tell Us What You Think About The Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Please note you must provide a screen name and email on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback. However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential. All comments go through an automated moderation process, and may take up to 1-2 hours to publicly appear on the website.

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Engagement has concluded

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

We do not support ANY of the proposed changes to the Riverview Neighborhood 3 - River's Edge (File LDA22-0403).

Over the last several years, there have been MULTIPLE changes to this neighborhood, which have consistently reconfigured components of the neighborhood, and more importantly continuously increasing the density of dwellings units per residential. Individually, these may not appear overly significant, but in summation, have completely changed the initial intent of the neighborhood. As such, and quite frankly, overall, they do not “generally” keep with the objectives of the NSP.
There is already considerable congestion in the neighborhood hindering accessibility. Adding a transit station and additionally high-density housing will only exacerbate current and existing problems.

Moreover, with limited City of Edmonton land, the southwest side of the city should not carry the burden of keeping up with demand by continuously increasing density. It is unfair to the current residents of this area, and SHOULD NOT be acceptable as justification for changes.
As mentioned, there is already too much congestion, now adding in a transit station, adding in more high density housing, adding in public access traffic due to “Big Island Provincial Park”, adding in x, y, z. It is becoming excessive.

We are OPPOSED to these changes.

Niki 9 months ago

I was one of the handful of community members who participated in the 2 year long study facilitated by Stantec for the initial concept planning for River's Edge; along with developers, and representation from a number of the City of Edmonton departments.

One of the key tenets of the final submission, agreed to by both Stantec and Qualico, and all other participants, was that the District Park has ample parking and easy access from that parking lot to the river valley, thereby alleviating the pressure for parking on adjacent neighbourhood streets and in the river valley itself. All participants in that long study agreed that this would ensure preservation of the natural beauty and enjoyment of the river valley without turning it into a parking lot. I just wanted to ensure this requirement and commitment is still part of the plan.

Thank you

Stephen Madsen 9 months ago

We do not support any changes to the NSP for Riverview Neighborhood 3.
The proposed changes will negatively affect current residents quality of life along with the river valley eco-system.
Already, the once flowing creek through the residents properties on River Heights Drive has been compromised.
This issue is awaiting resolution by Ms. Sarah Hamilton.
If any consideration is to be given to the proposed changes, clean up the existing problems first. Then, a new environmental assessment needs to be done along with an impact study.
I invite your environmental team to come to my residence to evaluate.
Brian S

Stones 9 months ago

I believe the transit Center should be changed to a stop. We have young kids in the community and i believe the buses in and out all Day and night are not a positive for the community. We bought this in hopes of a school or grocery store NOTa transit Center. They typically bring a lot of chaos. We do not feel it’s a good use of the space and would ask thy you reevaluate this placement.

ColtonH 9 months ago

I don’t feel it is in the best interest to have a transit station where it has been placed. A stop would be sufficient. There are too many young kids and I don’t feel having buses in and out all day/ night is great for families with young children who sleep during the day. We already have huge trucks currently waking us up at 6:30am and going up and down with their engine retarder brakes. Please reconsider this abs possible let make it just a stop. Thank you.

Katelynb 9 months ago