LDA20-0314 T5M Connect DC2- North Glenora

Consultation has concluded

A colour rendering of proposed project, showing a multi storey building with trees in the boulevard surrounding.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Tell us what you think of the Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I oppose the re-zoning of these properties because:
Currently proposed or approved developments in North Glenora:
Patio Homes – Currently 60 residences – Proposed 160+ residences
Apartment on 135 St and 109 Ave – currently 14 residences – Approved for 36 residences
Most infill skinnies that have been built have basement suites and sometimes garden suites
Many homes in our district have basement suites and/ or garden suites.
There are also currently 3 apartments on 109A Ave along with the complex that was built a couple years ago. Add all this up and North Glenora has LOTS of rental opportunities and no re-zoning to accommodate more rentals should be considered. Please do not approve this application for re-zoning, the zoning should remain RF1. To build this next to residential homes is unacceptable (noise, shading, traffic, loss of privacy etc.). A development of this size (16 rental units) should not be considered at this location!

Linda L over 3 years ago

Picture this, you move into a lovely mature neighborhood and your expectation is it will retain this feel and identity. Then you oppose a development because they'd like to change zoning to allow for a cramped rental building in a beautiful mature neighborhood and you get called a squeaky wheel and are accused of being in a mob. The group behind this development are starting to hurl insults at concerned neighbors.

Reza over 3 years ago

I live close to this proposed development and welcome this innovative new project. More people in our neighborhood, more children in local schools. While I have read the concerns regarding parking, during my 22 years in North Glenora this has never been an issue; there are always lots of spots available. I look forward to sharing our neighborhood with others, so they can enjoy it as well.

Mike D. over 3 years ago

What an amazing concept! It's refreshing to see new ideas and new developments revitalizing these older neighborhoods. On the flip side, it's a real shame that the squeaky wheel opponents organize a mob to oppose these sorts of developments (as pamphlets delivered to my house demonstrate).

Hopefully rational thought will prevail. We've already had one promising development in our neighborhood crushed by this mob, and another development delayed. Guess they are feeling empowered and will now oppose any development. It's a crying shame...

Klaus over 3 years ago

This looks like a bad idea and residents of this community are not looking for an increase in density. Parking is a legitimate concern in a city where the majority of folks drive, calling it an addiction is ridiculous as it is a serious problem with this type of development. The city's plans and objectives don't align with what most in this neighborhood have in mind. Glad that we have this forum to let the city know that we don't want developers profiting at the expense of residents in NG

TerryG over 3 years ago

To propose to provide 8 stalls for upwards of 30 people, most of whom will be adults, is a flagrant slap in the face to this community. The public transit in this city is insufficient to expect that 20 renters will not own a car and rely solely on transit. They're putting the cart before the horse with these types of developments. Our infrastructure isn't there yet, we're years if not decades from being there. Those that contribute to the "urban sprawl" that so many folks are against, will not be forgoing the PURCHASE of a house on the outskirts of town in order to RENT a small unit in north glenora. We're being sold a bill of goods and the math just isn't adding up. The benefit is to the developers at the expense of 98% of what the rest of their neighbours want. To tell us otherwise, that this development is GOOD for the community, is adding insult to injury.

Lana over 3 years ago

This looks like a great project for the location and represents an appropriate increase in density. Don't let the addiction to parking derail what appears to be a positive project aligned with the city's plans and objectives.

MDM over 3 years ago

I agree that this is a nicely designed project but I also agree that it's concerning that it will be located directly across from an elementary school and that the on-street parking will likely increase. I would like more information on how the City will ensure these concerns will be addressed at present and on an ongoing basis.

Pat A over 3 years ago

Its a shame that the City of Edmonton lets the greed of developers overshadow the opinions of neighbors.

GarthB over 3 years ago

I live a block away from this development, on the same street, and am strongly in favour of the developers and this development. It is inevitable that North Glenora changes to provide housing appropriate for our community's needs. I'm glad that forward-looking, caring and community-minded North Glenora residents like those who make up T5MConnect have chosen to improve our neighbourhood as they have with this development. I'm particularly excited that they are deploying net-zero building standards to replace the existing, leaky 60 year old construction. This will appeal to new consumers and I hope that it provides an example to all builders who choose to build in NG. The developers have put all their kids through the school, and I can trust that they would not consider anything that would detract from the safety of the school (parking) or from what is best for our community. They've gone to great lengths to engage with the community, are listening attentively, and I am confident that the resulting development will stand as an example for all future development in the community. Communities rely on diverse housing stock, and this development will be a wonderful addition to ours.

Andrew_G over 3 years ago

The proposed development has a lower height and greater setback from neighbour to the north than what would normally be allowed. Even with the higher number of units, this is the way infill should be done - sensitively.

ryanE over 3 years ago

My biggest concern is going to be parking. There already is Multi-Unit housing on 135th and the cars and tree's hide the 4-way stop signs. Enough people fly through there ignoring the signs, rolling through but not stopping. This development is right across from a school as well. I do not think I want to attract more cars than necessary to the school on a daily basis. It would be preferred to offer parking within the lot and have less housing. I see a larger benefit to the community this way.

Krajani786 over 3 years ago

I think the design looks nice. I certainly would not want this next door to me and I feel really bad for the people that will have this next door to them. The construction of this building on a cramped site will be an annoyance for neighboring properties. When the building is complete it will change how the neighbors can live, 16 units, all the cars with a shortage for parking, all the windows and who knows who is renting there peering into your back yard. I think this is a bad idea.

YeggyG over 3 years ago

Removed by moderator.

T5M Disconnect over 3 years ago

I received a notice in the mail in regards to this public engagement. I've had a look at the elevations, site plans as well as the website (which has hidden popups to shady websites buried all over it, so be careful where you click) and I cannot get behind this project. I think that I am like many in this community who bought here because of the central location and stability of a mature neighborhood. It felt like you could look south to Glenora and see what the future of North Glenora would look like. North Glenora is a vibrant community with a lot of young families most of which attend the nearby school. There are a lot of infills, skinny or not, and many of the older homes are being purchased by young couples who are starting their families in this neighborhood. There are also many rental opportunities in North Glenora, these properties have been here for many many years. I feel that this development would be a tragedy to the next door homes, to the children who attend the school, to anybody who has to try get past the construction site, to anybody that will have to deal with the added traffic on the street and the alley just to get to their home. The parking situation will be disastrous, especially when the patio home on the adjacent corner is complete. This will pack this little corner of the neighborhood causing parked cars to spill over to neighbouring streets. What scares me most is that once one of these developments is approved it will be much easier for another greedy developer to come in and build another cramped rental complex next door to your house or mine. We must rally as a community to stop this and preserve our beautiful mature North Glenora.

Sheila D over 3 years ago

It is a nice looking building, and will provide a good amount of density.

TonyV79 over 3 years ago

Beautiful building in a great location! I support this project.

Alyssa over 3 years ago

There is a lot of density in north glenora already. Four rental multi-unit complexes, plus the church-built row housing, plus whatever is going to happen to the patio homes (which is at least zoned for what is being proposed). Why is this community being overrun with high density living compared to neighbouring communities? Regardless of the densification that the city wants, this is not an appropriate site for this development. School, setback, parking, traffic - none of it adds up to a positive impact. All of these issues and what is gained? Transient renters? Or should I say MORE transient renters? Studies have shown that those who rent are much less likely to personally invest and participate in their community. North Glenora would suffer for this development and no one benefits but the property owners who are looking to make a buck off the backs of their neighbours who built a strong and desirable community in the first place. Shame on them.

Nancy H. over 3 years ago

The City of Edmonton’s Mature Neighbourhood Overlay (MNO) was created to ensure that new development is contextually sensitive to the surrounding existing development. This proposal is not within the allowable setbacks in the MNO and should not be re-zoned with apartments that have shorter setbacks than what is allowed under the MNO. An example is on the South side they are proposing 2.8 meters from the property line and the MNO states the setback should at minimum be 4.5 meters. This DC2 application states the site coverage of 46% and the MNO states 42% maximum. I am definitely opposed to the re-zoning from RF1 to DC2 as it does not comply with the MNO and will negatively impact all of the surrounding residences with increased noise and traffic .

B. Fredrick over 3 years ago

I think it's a good proposal that would being much needed density in the area in a way that is appropriate and not overwhelming. I very much support this and I hope it gets build.

Gi Gen over 3 years ago