LDA20-0314 T5M Connect DC2- North Glenora

Consultation has concluded

A colour rendering of proposed project, showing a multi storey building with trees in the boulevard surrounding.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Tell us what you think of the Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I think this type of development is great. A great way to refresh the corner, create density, and allow for families to thrive in a lovely neighbourhood. However, I do wish the look of it wasn't so modern and that it would fit in with the surrounding styles of homes for a more timeless look.

Christine Rossi over 3 years ago

More than enough rental properties and middle housing in this neighbourhood. A couple of market searches will confirm that statement. This is not a development based out of need, nor want from the looks of this comment section. This is a development based on the desires of those that expect to profit from it and no one else.

Hannah over 3 years ago

This looks like a great opportunity to increase density in a mature and central Edmonton neighbourhood, aligning with Edmonton's City Plan. The proposed structure looks like it will not overwhelm or conflict with the character of the surrounding area. The rezoning represents a very modest increase in the number dwellings, and therefore residents, that could be located on this site. We cannot continue to allow only single-family housing in these central neighbourhoods, despite what residents would prefer.

Chance over 3 years ago

This is exactly the project this neighborhood does not need. There is an adequate amount of rental units in the area that have already been zoned for this. There is no need to risk the future of our community to re-zone for this project. I oppose this development.

Garth over 3 years ago

I love infills! I think they are great! Edmonton is a driving city though and I think the amount of stalls for this unit is no enough. I think for 16 units there should be at least 12 if not the full 16. This is right across from the school and I would hate for drop/off and pick/up locations to be blocked with people parking on the street all the time. I would recommend approving this once the parking issues have been rectified. Overall I love the look of this building and I believe it would be a great addition to the community. And I would love to see even more young people move to this neighborhood and if this is their way in then great! We have seen infill rental units done well beside the church on the other side of the school, but there is ample parking on that site.

Leanne Anderson over 3 years ago

This is exactly the kind of project that the city needs - any city needs. To block sensible small-scale density like this is to put up a barrier to all infill and urban adaptation. This is well designed, will serve the community well, and is completely within scale for a central neighbourhood like Glenora. The city should open it's arms wide. It's also worth noting this project is largely in-line with the goals of the upcoming city wide plan for small-scale residential areas.
Remember - when a neighbourhood is growing, some existing residents may complain, but the potential future residents won't speak in favour, since they're not even residents yet. Please think of the people who don't yet have a voice.

Julia over 3 years ago

I am very supportive of this proposal, and hope that it goes ahead. This proposal addresses two key concerns faced by the city: Increasing density in mature areas, and promoting environmental sustainability. The proposed building fits well in the neighbourhood, and it fits in much better than the usual skinny homes that infill developers construct. This is an important step in addressing our "missing middle" - and it will also help to keep Glenora healthy and populated in the long-term.

Matthew over 3 years ago

I strongly support this proposal. This development will be a welcome addition to the neighborhood. I support increasing the density of North Glenora, and this project looks like it will do that in a sensitive manner. This building proposal is appropriately scaled, well designed, and will support a wide range of demographics. I wholeheartedly support this proposal.

bicycle over 3 years ago

It’s an opportunistic cash grab because they couldn’t sell their property for what they wanted to last year. They looked at what the city says they want and designed something to fit the criteria. Nothing inherently wrong with that except when you consider that we have more than enough rentals already here. And as far as middle housing, many houses are selling for $260-$400k, how is that not middle housing?

Garth over 3 years ago

I vote no. I don't think this is a good idea for this community. The parking around the school is going to be very congested making it difficult and very dangerous for children to safely get to school. I also have concerns about the setback and what that will mean further into the future with surrounding properties. Am I crazy to think that allowing this will open up our community for a lot more developments like this? I feel awful for people who live in neighbouring homes to this proposed development, they certainly didn't expect to live next to something like this when the moved into North Glenora.

Garth over 3 years ago

Thank you for the link, Cheryl. I believe that all of the other apartment buildings in this neighbourhood are for rent only, not for purchase. Do we really need another rental unit in this neighbourhood? Is that in the community home owners' best interest or just the best interests of the developers? There are SO many rental units here already, all around the park. This seems completely opportunistic without any thought or consideration of the long-term effect it will have on those who call North Glenora home.

Hannah over 3 years ago

Who is asking for this besides the money-hungry home owners that chose to re-zone their properties for a chance at a cash cow? No one. There are plenty of affordable multi-family units for rent in NG and its neighbouring communities. It should be noted that the market for condo properties has been in decline since 2007. What happens to these developments is the developers take their money and walk away. The building may be kept in proper repair by a competent board and/or management company for a handful of years, maybe a decade, after which the building will be deemed 'old' and prices will drop significantly. This will, in turn, bring down the property values in the neighbourhood and attract an altogether different renter than what is being advertised to us now. The owners asked for community engagement over the summer at the property and the overwhelming response from community members was that they did NOT want more skinny homes or more multi-family dwellings. Makes you think the outreach for engagement was nothing more than a show, because here we are, weighing in on a sixteen unit building with insufficient parking and unacceptable setbacks.

Hannah over 3 years ago

I oppose this development.

Garth over 3 years ago

The application was easy to use.
I think council should think of what will become of this neighbourhood if they continue to consider everything the developers are asking. This is a great neighbourhood and tripling the density so a developer can make more money is not being responsible.

Ivy Koenig over 3 years ago

This building will not be an asset to the North Glenora Community. The addition of 14 more dwellings where there were originally 2 dwellings will severely impact the traffic and parking around the school, day care and playing fields. It would seem by the size of the dwellings they would not be attracting families which is the strength of the neighbourhood. Going forward we have the 4 parcels of property where the proposal is for 45 dwellings on each property which is going to also impact this small community with traffic and parking. Why would the City of Edmonton want to completely change what is working so well by tripling the amount of people living in this small community with no regard for the families already living here? The children living here will be unable to bike and walk to the park by themselves as it will be unsafe not only with the increased traffic but most won't even know their neighbors with the influx of people. I think this neighbourhood has contributed to the infill the city is trying to achieve by accepting many Skinny houses, the sixteen unit built by the church, the apt. on the corner of 135st and 109 ave which has already been approved for more suites, as well as garden homes and garage suites. When developers buy these properties they know the zoning so build within the plan not always make changes which will benefit them but not the people affected by the changes. The City of Edmonton needs to show the tax payer some consideration.

Ivy Koenig over 3 years ago

There a no confusion Cheryl but thanks for the link. We don’t want this in our neighborhood.

over 3 years ago

I read thru all the posts and agree with everyone who doesnt want this. I don’t believe this is being built by someone they lives here. who would do that probably a greedy developer not afraid to wreck a neighborhood for some money.

DM57 over 3 years ago

If anybody wants to learn more about the project please check out the website. It sounds like there's some confusion about what it actually is. Here's the link https://www.t5m.ca/

Cheryl, NG Resident Wannabe over 3 years ago

I’m new to the neighborhood, I bought about three years ago. I do not support this development. With the patio homes upgrade there is simply no need to allow this.

DFS over 3 years ago

As a long time resident of North Glenora, I am totally opposed to this development. To remove 2 houses and have 16 suites replace them is ridiculous! This is directly across from the elementary school where young children need to cross and people are dropping off and picking up children. Where will these people park?. On street parking is already dense enough. Add to that first of all the noise and mess of construction and then of 16 tenants. We already have 5 large apartments around the school and park plus the patio homes that want to be redeveloped into much larger density. Where does this end?? We are also being inundated with skinny homes which are changing the make up of our community. Enough is enough. More noise, more traffic that is a hazard already. Lots of cars don't even stop at the 4 way stop on 109 Ave and 139 street as well as 109 Ave and 135 street. Plus we have another redevelopment going ahead on 109 and 135 st. with more apartments and commercial space. Please I ask you not to let this redevelopment go ahead and ensure our community stays safe.

Anne Swist over 3 years ago