LDA20-0314 T5M Connect DC2- North Glenora

Consultation has concluded

A colour rendering of proposed project, showing a multi storey building with trees in the boulevard surrounding.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Tell us what you think of the Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

With the school being immediately across the street from this proposed redevelopment, plus the patio homes along 109 Ave that will soon be redeveloped, there is far too much congestion in this area.

Of course I am concerned about the fact that this will push parking along the immediate street/avenue past capacity.

To be honest, my biggest concern with the parking is the lack of visibility that it causes for young children walking on the sidewalk. The school that is immediately in front of this proposed redevelopment is a K-6 school, so younger children in particular. This causes a clear safety issue with regards to visibility/traffic/pedestrian traffic in the school zone in an already incoherent scenario (with parents driving to drop off/pick up their children, in addition to the congestion of cars from the existing patio home residents).

Bottom line is that the rezoning to redevelop the existing single dwelling home is unnecessary and poses significant safety concerns given the extensive redevelopment that is expected of the existing patio homes lining 109 Ave.

I am always happy to discuss further.


Kimberly over 3 years ago

Half the rental units are basement suites? I didn’t know Edmonton had that many vampires.

Blade over 3 years ago

The reasons I am opposed to this development are: increased noise, loss of privacy for surrounding neighbours, safety with increased traffic around an elementary school, lack of parking for the residents of the development (16 units and 8 parking spots) , reduced setbacks with site coverage (proposed 46%). Across the street a proposed 45 unit building with 15 parking spots will add to the parking and traffic congestion around the school. There are real safety issues with the amount of units proposed in such a small area with very few parking spaces right next to an elementary school.

DK over 3 years ago

I feel a multicomplex building on a single dwelling lot will completely deface what the residents of North Glenora strive for
and that is character homes, mature trees and pride of ownership. There is absolutely no place for a multicomplex structure on a single lot in our neighborhood. It’s pure greed and they the developer/owner just don’t care it’s all about money for them...

Cboucher75 over 3 years ago

North Glenora does not need more density as there are many approved and pending developments on the table right now. This is not affordable housing. This is not an environmentally friendly development – it is covering the whole site with buildings, paved parking and paved sidewalks. They have half of the units in the basement. I see nothing on here that this has to be energy efficient – a developer will build what they want. This accommodation is not needed or wanted right now. I am against the City rezoning this property. Edmonton should not cram as many people as possible into a small area of land.

Dylan over 3 years ago

Love it, love it, love it!!! I am a long standing resident of North Glenora (+30 years). Countless Developers have proposed ridiculous projects at various infill lots. I am thrilled to see that we finally have a developer who understands how to keep with the 'residential purpose' and family friendly orientation of North Glenora. Fully supportive and endorsing of this rezoning application and project. The site already has an old development with several units and tenants. This proposed development will not add significant density to this existing site/setup. Further, a nearly identical setup is present immediately North of 'Coronation Elementary School' (i.e. adjacent corner). There is further adequate parking proposed, and the proposed placement of the parking is very well though out; it is placed to ensure traffic is avoided from Coronation School. Private courtyard is fantastic to see in a Mature Neighbourhood Development plan, as it reflects the importance of maintaining/preserving 'green spaces'. Only recommendation would be for Developer to commence late spring, early summer, to minimize construction noise for students. Cannot wait to see this development in North Glenora!!!

RP over 3 years ago

I don’t believe this is an acceptable development given the proximity to the elementary school and daycare across the street. In addition the building height will have a negative effect on the neighbouring residents in terms of sunlight.

Smk over 3 years ago

The reasons I don’t agree with this development is the increased traffic & the safety around the schools in the area. Also the parking is going to be a big problem.

DS over 3 years ago

Due to increased noise, loss of privacy for surrounding neighbours, loss safety with increased traffic, the location in a residential zone and parking I am not in favor of this. Please do not rezone these properties.

Remi over 3 years ago

Looks like a nice development that would increase density in North. Glenora. I like that the development is going to use green building principles and that each unit will be very energy efficent.

cmb250 over 3 years ago

As a resident & property owner I have concerns about the substantial increase in density in our community with the proposed future development of the Glenora Patio Homes, infill projects, garden suits & basement suits in most of the new developments.
Safety is also a concern as this development is across from an elementary school & day care which will cause serious traffic issues & parking concerns.
This proposal doesn’t comply with the North Glenora Community Plan: A Vision for the future.
While I’m not opposed to redevelopment in our community I feel it needs to be done with consideration to preserve the integrity of the existing neighbourhood.

Lea over 3 years ago

I thought when I looked at the drawing that it was covering 75% of the site, but I guess parking area, sidewalks, stairs and patio area aren’t counted in the site percentage. 46% should not be allowed and zoning should not be changed to accommodate this. Changing what is allowed in the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay from 4.5 meters to 2.8 meters (South Side) is not acceptable.
North Glenora has a Community Plan that was adopted by City Council and the residents of North Glenora. Guiding Principle 1 states: “Accommodate redevelopment in a manner consistent with the existing development and zoning of the community”.
The application for rezoning should be denied.

Linda L over 3 years ago

A quick google and you can find out that 85% of Canadians own and drive cars. Parking will be a major issue especially across the street from a school where each weekday morning it is already very congested. The nearby patio homes also do not have enough parking for its residents.

Alexander over 3 years ago

On a bus route, so parking for every unit is not required. In a desirable part of town for young couples who would absolutely support a carbon neutral home at a higher price. Single dwelling homes raise taxes and the carbon footprint of every individual.
University students would be a target group and a large majority don’t have vehicles.
Stagger rent/property prices based on parking/no parking space. Not every one in the world drives a damn car.

Ash D over 3 years ago

This is an excellent and thoughtful way to introduce 'sensitive density' into a mature community. This type of housing should be encouraged in all areas.

Chris D over 3 years ago

You're neighborhood is a mature neighborhood, borderline inner city. There's nothing about this neighborhood that makes it special or precious enough to reject developments like this. Don't like it? Then sell your property and move. Frankly though a lot of these comments are ridiculous, and a lot of the fears or concerns really are over stated. Developments like this have been happening and will continue to happen because THEY NEED to. As far as I can see, no neighborhoods have ceased to be nice places to live because of developments like this anywhere in the city. Stop opposing development for the sake of opposing something. There's nothing that says your neighborhood should never change

Raoul over 3 years ago

I live in the new building that was built after Westmount Presbyterian Church donated the land and built it by Habitat Studio. This allowed me and 15 other families to live in affordable apartments in a great area like North Glenora. The North Glenora community is very nice and they have welcomed it from day one and it is a great place for our kids and they are always doing activities during summer and winter and most of the residents participate and contribute as one family. Therefore, based on personal experience, I am supporting building new multifamily housing to provide the opportunity for new residents to get to know this wonderful community and be a part of it.

Mohammad over 3 years ago

Something else to consider with this proposal, would you like to live next door to constant Air BnB rentals? Not everyone has good intentions on being “community-minded”. And don’t bother talking about the bad parking situation. The City doesn’t care about that.

Erna over 3 years ago

I hate this I idea it is the worst please don’t do this there will be no room for any activity. Also were would you park These people are so greedy for money I don’t even know what to say. I’ll see you around in the park

Bobby John lol over 3 years ago

The increase in traffic and noise is a problem. All the additional parking on the streets will be a nightmare for the residents nearby who might want to park in front of their own property or drop a senior off at their home.

Abbott1 over 3 years ago