

24 January 2024

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning.

The role of the public is at the ADVISE level of the City’s Public Engagement Spectrum, which means that the City will use any feedback that you share to make sure the review of the application is as complete as possible and takes neighbourhood context into consideration. It will also be summarized for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision at a future Public Hearing.

Application Details - Rezoning:

The City has received an application from Green Space Alliance to rezone 8726, 8730, and 8734 - 116 Street NW, in the Windsor Park neighborhood from the (RS) Small Scale Residential Zone to the (RM h23) Medium Scale Residential Zone.

The existing RS zoning allows for a range of small scale residential developments up to 3 storeys in height, including detached, attached, and multi-unit housing. These properties are currently occupied by single detached homes and redevelopment under the existing zoning would be limited to a maximum of eight dwellings per property.

The proposed rezoning from the (RS) Small Scale Residential Zone to the (RM h23) Medium Scale Residential Zone would allow for a 23 metre high residential building (approximately 6 storeys) with opportunities for ground floor community and commercial developments to provide services to local residents.

View a table comparing the key development regulation differences between the current RS Zone and the proposed RM Zone. Additional key regulations of the RM Zone include a 3 metre interior stepback above the fourth floor, design regulations to minimize the perception of massing, and having ground floor units with individual entrances to improve interaction with the street.

Potential Built Form - Southeast ViewA coloured image with a blue rendering of where the proposed building would sit on the site.

Potential Built Form - Southwest View

A coloured image with a blue rendering of where the proposed building would sit on the site.

As the proposed zoning is considered a ‘standard zone’, the applicant is not required to provide detailed building drawings at this stage in the planning process. If the rezoning is approved by City Council at a public hearing, the next step will be for the applicant to submit a Development Permit application. At that time, the applicant will be required to submit detailed building drawings to the City for review.

The City Plan, Edmonton’s combined Municipal Development Plan and Transportation Master Plan, was approved in December 2020. The City Plan sets City Council’s direction, and charts out how we will accommodate 1 million additional residents in Edmonton. While all areas of the city will densify over time, The City Plan introduces a ‘Nodes and Corridors’ network, where deliberate urban intensification will be accommodated. The University of Alberta is identified as a Major Node where mid and high rise developments can be supported.