LDA18-0130 Greenlong Towers- Oliver

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision on August 31, 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Please review the information on this page and tell us your thoughts or ask questions by the end of the day August 15, 2021.

We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application takes local context into consideration and is as complete as possible. It will also be used to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns raised. Feedback will also be summarized in the report to City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision.

Proposed Rezoning Details
The City has received an application proposing to rezone properties located on the northeast corner of 115 Street NW and Jasper Avenue NW. The application includes the following properties: 10107,10129,10133,10137 - 115 Street NW and 11440,11452 & 11460 - Jasper Avenue NW.

The proposed rezoning from the current (DC1) Direct Development Control Provision - Area 8 and (RA9) High Rise Apartment Zone to a new (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision would allow for the development of two high-rise, high-density towers with the following characteristics:

  • North tower: Approximately 30 storeys (100 metres) with townhouse style units at ground level fronting 115 Street NW (Area A)

  • South tower: Approximately 54 storeys (180 metres) with commercial uses at ground level fronting Jasper Avenue NW (Area B)

  • Up to 905 residential units

  • Underground parking accessed from the adjacent lanes

A colour rendering of two towers (a shorter one to the left, and taller one right), from an elevated, birds eye viewpointImage: applicant conceptual rendering, subject to change
  • The proposed northern tower, located on 115 Street NW, is described as Area A in the proposal documents.
  • The proposed southern tower, located on Jasper Avenue NW, is described as Area B in the proposal documents.

Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan Amendment

An associated application has been made to amend the “Map 10: Sub Area 4 - Zoning.” in the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) to facilitate the proposed rezoning.

Technical Documents
Additional details, including project renderings, site plans, elevations and regulations can be found in the following documents:

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision on August 31, 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Please review the information on this page and tell us your thoughts or ask questions by the end of the day August 15, 2021.

We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application takes local context into consideration and is as complete as possible. It will also be used to inform conversations with the applicant about potential revisions to address concerns raised. Feedback will also be summarized in the report to City Council so that they are aware of the public’s perspectives prior to making a decision.

Proposed Rezoning Details
The City has received an application proposing to rezone properties located on the northeast corner of 115 Street NW and Jasper Avenue NW. The application includes the following properties: 10107,10129,10133,10137 - 115 Street NW and 11440,11452 & 11460 - Jasper Avenue NW.

The proposed rezoning from the current (DC1) Direct Development Control Provision - Area 8 and (RA9) High Rise Apartment Zone to a new (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision would allow for the development of two high-rise, high-density towers with the following characteristics:

  • North tower: Approximately 30 storeys (100 metres) with townhouse style units at ground level fronting 115 Street NW (Area A)

  • South tower: Approximately 54 storeys (180 metres) with commercial uses at ground level fronting Jasper Avenue NW (Area B)

  • Up to 905 residential units

  • Underground parking accessed from the adjacent lanes

A colour rendering of two towers (a shorter one to the left, and taller one right), from an elevated, birds eye viewpointImage: applicant conceptual rendering, subject to change
  • The proposed northern tower, located on 115 Street NW, is described as Area A in the proposal documents.
  • The proposed southern tower, located on Jasper Avenue NW, is described as Area B in the proposal documents.

Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan Amendment

An associated application has been made to amend the “Map 10: Sub Area 4 - Zoning.” in the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) to facilitate the proposed rezoning.

Technical Documents
Additional details, including project renderings, site plans, elevations and regulations can be found in the following documents:

Consultation has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days

Please note you must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback.  However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.