LDA21-0090 Griesbach RA8g Rezoning

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application was approved by City Council July 6 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City can't host in-person public engagement events to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting.

Please review the information on this page. Tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on May, 18, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible, and will also summarize it for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

The City has received a proposal from Scheffer Andrew Ltd to rezone land at 5340 - Admiral Girouard Street NW in the Griesbach neighbourhood.

The proposed rezoning from (DC2 .1144) Site Specific Development Control Provision to (RA8g) Griesbach Medium Rise Apartment Zone would allow for the development of a six storey apartment with the opportunity for limited commercial uses, such as child care services, general retail and office services, at street level.

An amendment is also being proposed to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan to increase the maximum height allowed on the site from four storeys to six storeys.

Technical Reports:

For more information about the proposed rezoning and surrounding neighbourhood context, please visit edmonton.ca/griesbachplanningapplications.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application was approved by City Council July 6 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City can't host in-person public engagement events to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting.

Please review the information on this page. Tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on May, 18, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible, and will also summarize it for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

The City has received a proposal from Scheffer Andrew Ltd to rezone land at 5340 - Admiral Girouard Street NW in the Griesbach neighbourhood.

The proposed rezoning from (DC2 .1144) Site Specific Development Control Provision to (RA8g) Griesbach Medium Rise Apartment Zone would allow for the development of a six storey apartment with the opportunity for limited commercial uses, such as child care services, general retail and office services, at street level.

An amendment is also being proposed to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan to increase the maximum height allowed on the site from four storeys to six storeys.

Technical Reports:

For more information about the proposed rezoning and surrounding neighbourhood context, please visit edmonton.ca/griesbachplanningapplications.

Tell Us What You Think About the Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The homes in this community are priced ~15% higher than those in new north Edmonton communities. The neighbourhood has won multiple awards for recognizing its planning and amenities. The attempted rezoning of this site feels like a bait-and-switch on the part of the City and developers.

Griesbach has prided itself on its walkability as well as architecture. Although Village is Griesbach is a relatively new development, a six-storey building would not fit the existing architectural style. On Whyte Avenue in Edmonton, building height has been restricted at four storeys for a similar reason, to preserve historical design as well as to improve walkability. Furthermore, the sun study shows that many residents of Juchli Avenue and Admiral Girouard would be shaded by the new structure. This does not align with Griesbach's goals on "environmental sustainability" for its existing residents.

There has been a spate of arson cases in recent years, with many homeowners in the community dealing with insurance claims and paying out of pocket for repairs. This is a disappointing development that will lead to a host of new issues for residents.

There is lack of parking and constant traffic congestion at the apartment development at Griesbach Parade. Most patrons at this area do not abide by City parking bylaws. A six-storey apartment would inevitably lead to further congestion and the developer may not build the required parking for residents and patrons of the building, as we witness at Griesbach Parade.

ac over 3 years ago

I am okay with the originally planned four-storey building. Six storeys is too high for the neighbourhood. Furthermore, residents were sold houses based on a particular plan.

Shauna over 3 years ago

I would like all multi unit condos to remain no higher than 4 stories. The reason I purchased a home in Griesbach was the fact there would be no multi unit condos higher than 4 stories. I am firmly against this proposal.

Harasem over 3 years ago

I do not support the proposed rezoning of the site to RA8g, which would allow the development of a mid-rise, six storey housing development. I believe that this would significantly increase the traffic along Admiral Girouard Street and Juchli Avenue, as well as contribute to increased parking issues along those streets and other nearby stress. I also worry about the future rezoning of the site directly west of the site in question and worry that that this site will also be proposed to be rezoned RA8g, which will further increase the amount of traffic and congestion in the area. The potential six storey development would be directly across from single family homes. I feel that a rezoning of the site to RA8g and the potential building of a six storey building so close to single family dwellings is too large of a development. I believe a rezoning of the site from DC2 to RA7g, and only a four storey development would be much more appropriate given the sites present location to single story homes, and in agreement with the initial plan regarding the development of the Griesbach community.

RickR over 3 years ago

I do not support the proposed rezoning of the site to RA8g. I believe that this would significantly increase the traffic along Admiral Girouard Street and Juchli Avenue, as well as contribute to increased parking issues along those streets and other nearby streets. I feel that a rezoning of the site to RA8g and the potential building of a six story building so close to single family dwellings is too large of a development for the area and would negatively impact the overall community. I believe a rezoning of the site from DC2 to RA7g, and only a four story development would be much more appropriate given the sites present location to single story homes. Six stories is too tall and not in accordance with the original plan for the community.

RickR over 3 years ago

I object to the rezoning of this area from 4 to 6 stories condos. The change will bring about increase in traffic, noise, and unnecessary pollution to our already bustling community.

Lgdoan over 3 years ago

I'm concerned about the proposed rezoning. A proposed 6 storey building seems too high and is not appropriate for the area. The original plans for a 3 or 4 storey building would be more suited for the neighborhood. There are already multiple apartments in the area with vacancies and I don't see the demand that warrants a new 6 storey apartment in the area.

Howard T over 3 years ago

We oppose as residents on Juchli Avenue - the proposed commercial use is completely unnecessary with two areas in walking distance. Also, this will increase traffic and create parking issues.

SM over 3 years ago

Please do not move forward with this hideous idea. Please keep in mind there is a reason houses and condos are more expensive in Griesbach then in other parts in Edmonton. If you start building 6 story buildings you will ruin look and feel of that area. Not everything has to be about money. Instead of building 6 story buildings you should consider making Griesbach gated community so people that pay extra to live there can enjoy community. There are more and more people coming and throwing garbage everywhere and not respecting area and people living there

Dy over 3 years ago

Oppose! Increased traffic/parking issues, will change the way Griesbach was promoted when we chose to buy here - "a small village feel (hence the name Village at Griesbach) close to an urban center", this will open the door for other 4+ story buildings in other areas of the neighborhood which will have further negative effects of the uniqueness that brought most of us here.

KCR over 3 years ago

I hope you really consider the majority of the feedback provided. Is the extra 2 storeys worth this negative feedback? When we purchased our house, we had the expectation that 4 storeys would be the highest. When I’m driving around the north side , there is very little number of 6 storey buildings, and for good reason. Make the obvious choice.

Kevin N. over 3 years ago

I live on Juchli Ave, within the scope of the sun shadow study. I've never even received a post card informing me of the receipt of application. I oppose to the rezoning of "LDA21-0090 Griesbach."

Scheffer Andrews appears to be taking advantage of the on-going pandemic to push this monstrosity through.

Several residents have already made plenty of valid points in the previous comments of which I strongly stand behind:

- Residents have bought into this neighbor hood with a promise of a certain visual and aesthetic that the community brings. Never in my wildest imaginations would I expect a 6 story complex right in the middle of a previously determined residential neighbor hood, outside of the previous outlined Griesbach Village. A previous rezoning near griesbach village has already caused traffic congestions and environmental issues with increased trash and garbage in the surrounding vicinity.

- There are duplexes and and homes directly across from the proposed the development. The height of these buildings will drastically decrease the the amount of natural light that residents will receive in the afternoon. Residents will basically be leaving their homes during the winter months in darkness, and coming home in the evening to a behemoth of a shadow completely eclipsing their homes.

- Sidewalks will remain icy through out winter and residents will have no hope of even finding parking directly in front of their homes as the proposed development will increase dwellings from 150 to 374. That's more then DOUBLE the previous outlined proposals, clearly far and above what the existing residential roads were zoned for. In addition, the surrounding 1/2 story dwellings will be completely subject to a lack privacy with apartment units glaring directly into their backyards and homes.

PLEASE consider the residents that have already bought into this neighborhood, please consider the promises that the neighbor hood was originally marketed for and sold on. The original griesbach NASP had no such indications of such plans. Please consider the predatorial financial motive that the developers are approaching this from, both the timing of this proposal during COVID and the lack information presented, indicates a developer that only cares for the bottom-line and no regard for the surrounding environment.

TingJ over 3 years ago

6 stories makes this more a down town hotel and not suitable for a small neighborhood residence. 4 stories are already high enough and the condos already in Griesbach are not all sold, so where will all these people be coming from exactly?

Ju over 3 years ago

I oppose the proposed rezoning. The increased density will lead to increased traffic and demand for parking in an area of neighbourhood that is expected to see a high demand for street parking given the property types nearby and the proximity to a future transit station. What makes Griesbach an attractive place to live and what residents were sold on is the urban village concept. Allowing rezoning will set presecedent for future proposals and open doors to dilute the character of neighbourhood and what makes Griesbach such a unique place to live.

Diep over 3 years ago

I strongly oppose the rezoning.
It will create congestion, pollution and have an environmental impact on the area. I continuously see the increase litter, traffic, erosion, any increase development will have a negative impact to the area. Rezoning will only intensify a negative outcome.

Dav J. over 3 years ago

The property values in this area are going down because of over building and building projects like this one. We are opposed to this application.

Griesbach Homeowner over 3 years ago

This neighbourhood is full of young families and having the evening sun is important for our kids. Please do not rezone.

Jessica T over 3 years ago

To persevere the intended initial plans I would like to see this remain a 4 story multi complex. By allowing this site to be re-zoned to greater than a 4story it opens the door for other higher than 4 story multi complexes to be developed. We have recently just moved in griesbach and one main attraction from our lot was the view of the downtown skyline which will be taken away from if this re-zoning takes place. We oppose this re-zoning

Prashila over 3 years ago

The proposed rezoning is completely out of touch with what the residents living in griesbach want. Resident such as myself purchased homes and moved into the neighbour hood because of its low density appeal and the wonderfull skyscape this community presents. A 6 story complex in such trying times is both predatorial in nature and a slap in the face of existing residents who bought into a community vision that did not include high rises.

Ricky T. over 3 years ago

We oppose to the rezoning from 4 to 6 stories. As a resident of Griesbach, it will change the dynamic of this community causing more traffic congestion, blocking light for residents and wouldn't want to feel unsafe for families with young children already playing in this area.

Nan over 3 years ago