LDA20-0192 Strathearn Heights Transit Oriented Development

A colour rendering of the proposed project site from a bids eye view, with three connected buildings: two mid-rise towers on the left and right background, and a low rise building in the centre foreground, with a roadway intersection in front of the site.

Applicant Rendering, Subject to Change.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report is now available here.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City is unable to host an in-person public engagement event to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting. Please review the information on this page and tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on June 25, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible and will also summarize it for City Council so that they are aware of your perspective prior to making a decision.

Application Details:
The City has received a proposal to rezone properties on the northwest corner of 95 Avenue NW and 87 Street NW, currently known as the Strathearn Heights Apartment Complex. The proposal includes: 9518 and 9560 87 Street NW, 8720, 8722 and 8724 95 Avenue NW, 8728U 97 Avenue NW, and 8712U 96 Avenue NW.

The application proposes to rezone the properties from a Site-Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.917) and the Public Parks Zone (AP) to a new Site-Specific Development Control Provision (DC2) and the following conventional residential zones: Medium Density Multiple Family Zone (RF6)Low-Rise Apartment Zone (RA7)Medium-Rise Apartment Zone (RA8), and High-Rise Apartment Zone (RA9).

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of a primarily residential transit oriented urban village with a range of housing types complemented by local, small scale commercial uses. 

A colour rendering of the street level view of the plaza area with retail businesses with the site towers in the background
A colour rendering of the site from a street level view from a distance, looking towards the 3 mid and low rise buildings on the site

Applicant Renderings, Subject to Change.

Road (lane) Closure
The application also includes a proposed closure of portions of the laneway between 95 Avenue NW and 96 Avenue NW and west of 87 Street NW.

Southeast Area Plan Amendment

The application generally conforms with the intent of the Southeast Area Plan, which supports the redevelopment of the Strathearn Heights Apartments site into a mixed-use urban village. Updates to the Southeast Area Plan are proposed to reflect the proposed rezoning.

Please watch the video presentation (below) and view the zoning comparison table for more details on the site history and current proposed rezoning.

Applicant Rendering, Subject to Change.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report is now available here.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner on this page, under the "who's listening" section.

The application is expected to go to City Council Public Hearing for a decision, with the exact date still to be determined. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City is unable to host an in-person public engagement event to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting. Please review the information on this page and tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on June 25, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible and will also summarize it for City Council so that they are aware of your perspective prior to making a decision.

Application Details:
The City has received a proposal to rezone properties on the northwest corner of 95 Avenue NW and 87 Street NW, currently known as the Strathearn Heights Apartment Complex. The proposal includes: 9518 and 9560 87 Street NW, 8720, 8722 and 8724 95 Avenue NW, 8728U 97 Avenue NW, and 8712U 96 Avenue NW.

The application proposes to rezone the properties from a Site-Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.917) and the Public Parks Zone (AP) to a new Site-Specific Development Control Provision (DC2) and the following conventional residential zones: Medium Density Multiple Family Zone (RF6)Low-Rise Apartment Zone (RA7)Medium-Rise Apartment Zone (RA8), and High-Rise Apartment Zone (RA9).

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of a primarily residential transit oriented urban village with a range of housing types complemented by local, small scale commercial uses. 

A colour rendering of the street level view of the plaza area with retail businesses with the site towers in the background
A colour rendering of the site from a street level view from a distance, looking towards the 3 mid and low rise buildings on the site

Applicant Renderings, Subject to Change.

Road (lane) Closure
The application also includes a proposed closure of portions of the laneway between 95 Avenue NW and 96 Avenue NW and west of 87 Street NW.

Southeast Area Plan Amendment

The application generally conforms with the intent of the Southeast Area Plan, which supports the redevelopment of the Strathearn Heights Apartments site into a mixed-use urban village. Updates to the Southeast Area Plan are proposed to reflect the proposed rezoning.

Please watch the video presentation (below) and view the zoning comparison table for more details on the site history and current proposed rezoning.

Consultation has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are provided within 5 business days

  • The shadow study considered 3 cases: summer solstice, spring and autumn equinox. Why wasn't the winter solstice included? It's suspiciously absent since that is the critical case for property owners north of the proposed development. Studies of previous proposed site massing, with 27-story towers, indicated that several properties along Strathearn Drive would receive no direct sun for a dozen days around the solstice.

    Strathearner asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question and for identifying the incomplete sun-shadow impact assessment. A request of the applicant to include the shadow impacts during the winter solstice has been made, and an updated Urban Design Brief will be posted on this webpage upon receipt.

    Update (June 29, 2021): The updated urban design brief and sun shadows study has now been posted.

  • What is the total number of units being proposed in the latest plan? Is it still 1900? or More? It's also unclear how much greenspace is provided in the plan. There are the greenways, which I'm very happy to see remain, but there seems like there is also greenspace between buildings that is not highlighted here as such. Is that just because it's not 'public' greenspace? Clarity on this would be helpful. Finally, is there more detail on the transition of buildings from the houses outside the proposal, to the buildings along the perimeter of the project? Thanks

    Leopold asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for your questions. 

    Number of Units

    According to the applicant, the intended total number of units proposed for the entire site is approximately 1900 dwellings. 

    The absolute total number of units have yet to be determined until the permitting stage as no maximum number of residential dwellings are mandated by the RA7, RA8 and RA9 Zones. In contrast, the RF6 area proposed along the northern edge is limited to 80 dwellings/hectare which translates to approximately 98 units within this area, while 500 units are sought within the DC2 portions near the future Strathearn LRT Stop. 

    A summary of the maximum residential density per zone is as follows:

    • RF6: 98 Dwelling Units

    • RA7: No maximum number of dwellings 

    • RA8: No maximum number of dwellings 

    • RA9: No maximum number of dwellings 

    • DC2: 500 Dwelling Units

    Green Spaces

    The currently zoned (AP) Public Parks areas are proposed for rezoning to either RA7, RA8 and RA9 Zones. Within these areas, the applicants' intent is to introduce 'publicly accessible privately owned parks spaces'  scattered throughout their site so that design and maintenance are the responsibility of the developers. These  greenspaces include the linear parks/greenways, pocket parks and proposed transit plaza and mews connections as shown on the attached open space concept. Implementation methods such as registration of public access easement and/or subdivision processes will ensure the public have access to these spaces. This proposal does not include the rezoning of Silver Heights Park which is to remain AP zoning.


    The proposed zones are configured so that the taller buildings will be located in the central (RA8, RA9 zones) and southern (DC2 zone) portions of the site and then transition to shorter buildings along the eastern and western (RA7 zone) and northern edges (RF6 zone) of the site.  

    A summary maximum heights per zone is as follows:

    • RF6: 16m (approximately 4 storeys)

    • RA7: 16m (approximately 4 storeys)

    • RA8: 23m (approximately 6 storeys)

    • RA9: 60m (approximately 15 storeys)

    • DC2: 81m (approximately 20 storeys)