LDA21-0519 Westmount CB3 Rezoning

Engagement has concluded

A modelling image of the proposed rezoning (11034 & 11042 - 124 Street NW) showing a tower, podium and setback

Image: Applicant massing model, subject to change. Note: The diagram provides information on the potential massing of the building based on the CB3 zone in the Main Streets Overlay. Architectural character and design is not incorporated. 

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report is available***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning and plan amendment before the end of the day on February 21, 2022. 

We will use any feedback that you share to ensure our review of the application considers local context. Feedback will also be summarized in the report to City Council so they are aware of public opinion before making a decision on the proposed rezoning at the Public Hearing.


The City has received an application (map) to rezone properties at 11034 & 11042 - 124 Street NW.

Proposed Rezoning

The application proposes to rezone the site from the (CB1) Low Intensity Business Zone and the (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone to the (CB3) Commercial Mixed Business Zone with the Main Streets Overlay (MSO).

The proposed rezoning, combined with the proposed amendment to the Main Streets Overlay outlined below, would allow for the development of a building with a range of commercial uses and opportunities for residential development (generally above ground level) with the following characteristics:

  • A maximum 3 storey podium base containing pedestrian-oriented commercial uses at ground level;

  • A maximum overall building height of 36 metres (approximately 8-10 storeys) if developed as a commercial building only or up to 45 metres (approximately 12-13 storeys) if developed as a mixed use building with residential uses only in the additional height;

  • A maximum tower floor plate of 850 square metres; and

  • Vehicular access would be permitted from the lane only and any surface or above-ground parking would need to be screened from view.

Possible commercial uses include (but are not limited to):

  • Bars and neighbourhood pubs

  • Convenience or general retail stores

  • Health services

  • Personal service shops (e.g. hairdressers, etc.)

  • Professional, financial and office support services

  • Restaurants

  • Specialty food services

Proposed Main Streets Overlay Amendment (occurring separately from this application)

There is a separate rezoning application for another location, which includes a proposal to amend the Main Streets Overlay (MSO) as it applies to the CB3 Zone city-wide. If approved, the key changes that would affect this application for a CB3 Zone at the 11034 & 11042 - 124 Street NW site are:

  • Inclusion of a maximum tower floor plate (850 m2)

  • Inclusion of a 3.0 meter setback from the property line along the lane.

Proposed Amendment to the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan

The West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) identifies 124 Street as a pedestrian-scaled shopping street, and the proposed rezoning generally aligns with the policies for the area. Some minor amendments are proposed to the ARP in order to provide more direction for the proposed zone, as follows:

  • Update the concept map (Map 2) to change the label for 124 Street south of 111 Avenue from “Improvements to 124 Street by BRZ Association” to “Pedestrian-oriented Shopping Street”

  • Add a section describing the CB3 Zone within Part III Land Uses, after CB2 on p.83


The scope of public input is limited for rezonings to a standard zone (such as the CB3 zone) as the City cannot adjust or customize the individual regulations within a standard zone for one particular site because standard zones apply to many sites city-wide. However, there may be some opportunity for public input to help fine-tune the proposed changes to the Main Streets Overlay regulations.

Administration does not yet have a position on the proposed rezoning. Administration’s position will be determined by a thorough review of the proposal which involves technical considerations, such as traffic and other infrastructure impacts, and alignment with approved City land-related plans and policies (e.g. City Plan, West-Ingle ARP, etc).

For additional information about the application, please refer to the documents and links in the sidebar to the right.

Image: Applicant massing model, subject to change. Note: The diagram provides information on the potential massing of the building based on the CB3 zone in the Main Streets Overlay. Architectural character and design is not incorporated. 

***This engagement has concluded and a What We Heard Report is available***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

This page is to help you find out more information about the proposed rezoning and tell us what you think. Please review the information on this page and share your thoughts on the proposed rezoning and plan amendment before the end of the day on February 21, 2022. 

We will use any feedback that you share to ensure our review of the application considers local context. Feedback will also be summarized in the report to City Council so they are aware of public opinion before making a decision on the proposed rezoning at the Public Hearing.


The City has received an application (map) to rezone properties at 11034 & 11042 - 124 Street NW.

Proposed Rezoning

The application proposes to rezone the site from the (CB1) Low Intensity Business Zone and the (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone to the (CB3) Commercial Mixed Business Zone with the Main Streets Overlay (MSO).

The proposed rezoning, combined with the proposed amendment to the Main Streets Overlay outlined below, would allow for the development of a building with a range of commercial uses and opportunities for residential development (generally above ground level) with the following characteristics:

  • A maximum 3 storey podium base containing pedestrian-oriented commercial uses at ground level;

  • A maximum overall building height of 36 metres (approximately 8-10 storeys) if developed as a commercial building only or up to 45 metres (approximately 12-13 storeys) if developed as a mixed use building with residential uses only in the additional height;

  • A maximum tower floor plate of 850 square metres; and

  • Vehicular access would be permitted from the lane only and any surface or above-ground parking would need to be screened from view.

Possible commercial uses include (but are not limited to):

  • Bars and neighbourhood pubs

  • Convenience or general retail stores

  • Health services

  • Personal service shops (e.g. hairdressers, etc.)

  • Professional, financial and office support services

  • Restaurants

  • Specialty food services

Proposed Main Streets Overlay Amendment (occurring separately from this application)

There is a separate rezoning application for another location, which includes a proposal to amend the Main Streets Overlay (MSO) as it applies to the CB3 Zone city-wide. If approved, the key changes that would affect this application for a CB3 Zone at the 11034 & 11042 - 124 Street NW site are:

  • Inclusion of a maximum tower floor plate (850 m2)

  • Inclusion of a 3.0 meter setback from the property line along the lane.

Proposed Amendment to the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan

The West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) identifies 124 Street as a pedestrian-scaled shopping street, and the proposed rezoning generally aligns with the policies for the area. Some minor amendments are proposed to the ARP in order to provide more direction for the proposed zone, as follows:

  • Update the concept map (Map 2) to change the label for 124 Street south of 111 Avenue from “Improvements to 124 Street by BRZ Association” to “Pedestrian-oriented Shopping Street”

  • Add a section describing the CB3 Zone within Part III Land Uses, after CB2 on p.83


The scope of public input is limited for rezonings to a standard zone (such as the CB3 zone) as the City cannot adjust or customize the individual regulations within a standard zone for one particular site because standard zones apply to many sites city-wide. However, there may be some opportunity for public input to help fine-tune the proposed changes to the Main Streets Overlay regulations.

Administration does not yet have a position on the proposed rezoning. Administration’s position will be determined by a thorough review of the proposal which involves technical considerations, such as traffic and other infrastructure impacts, and alignment with approved City land-related plans and policies (e.g. City Plan, West-Ingle ARP, etc).

For additional information about the application, please refer to the documents and links in the sidebar to the right.

Engagement has concluded

You can:

  • Ask a question directly to the file planner that is processing the application. When necessary, we will work with the application to provide an answer.

  • Search and view community-submitted questions and official responses.

  • Type your question in the box below and click "Submit". Answers are typically provided within 5 business days.

Please note you must be registered on Engaged Edmonton in order to provide feedback.  However, only your username will be displayed publicly, all other information is kept confidential.  We use this information to distinguish between feedback received from neighbouring/local area residents and other interested stakeholders.  

You may also provide feedback to the Project Planner directly via the contact information under the "who's listening" section of the page.  Please refrain from submitting a question on the site, and providing a duplicate question to the planner.  It is not necessary to do both in order for the question to be received.