LDA21-0090 Griesbach RA8g Rezoning

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application was approved by City Council July 6 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City can't host in-person public engagement events to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting.

Please review the information on this page. Tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on May, 18, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible, and will also summarize it for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

The City has received a proposal from Scheffer Andrew Ltd to rezone land at 5340 - Admiral Girouard Street NW in the Griesbach neighbourhood.

The proposed rezoning from (DC2 .1144) Site Specific Development Control Provision to (RA8g) Griesbach Medium Rise Apartment Zone would allow for the development of a six storey apartment with the opportunity for limited commercial uses, such as child care services, general retail and office services, at street level.

An amendment is also being proposed to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan to increase the maximum height allowed on the site from four storeys to six storeys.

Technical Reports:

For more information about the proposed rezoning and surrounding neighbourhood context, please visit edmonton.ca/griesbachplanningapplications.

***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be posted here when available.***

Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application.

The application was approved by City Council July 6 2021. For more information, please visit these FAQs (External link) for Council meetings.

Because of public health issues, the City can't host in-person public engagement events to share information and collect feedback, as usual. This page is to help you find out information and tell us what you think, instead of having an in-person meeting.

Please review the information on this page. Tell us what you think and ask any questions below, before the end of the day on May, 18, 2021. We will use any feedback that you share to make sure our review of the application is as complete as possible, and will also summarize it for City Council so that they know your perspective prior to making a decision.

The City has received a proposal from Scheffer Andrew Ltd to rezone land at 5340 - Admiral Girouard Street NW in the Griesbach neighbourhood.

The proposed rezoning from (DC2 .1144) Site Specific Development Control Provision to (RA8g) Griesbach Medium Rise Apartment Zone would allow for the development of a six storey apartment with the opportunity for limited commercial uses, such as child care services, general retail and office services, at street level.

An amendment is also being proposed to the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan to increase the maximum height allowed on the site from four storeys to six storeys.

Technical Reports:

For more information about the proposed rezoning and surrounding neighbourhood context, please visit edmonton.ca/griesbachplanningapplications.

Tell Us What You Think About the Application

Please let us know what you like and what could be better about this application. What should Council know as they decide whether or not to approve the rezoning? Other people that visit this part of the site will be able to see your comments.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I am opposed to rezoning the development. A 6 story development will create too much shadow onto people's homes. There will be increased traffic and issues with parking. There is already limited parking at times since many homeowners park on the street. Please do not approve this proposal.

Grace H about 3 years ago

I oppose of this development as when the home owners in the area were making and purchased housing the City approved on 4 floor buildings but now with the increase to 6 floors this certainly can effect the minds of citizens who might not have purchased a house if that was the original case. It will block light and cause much more traffic because of this.

Jam T. about 3 years ago

I strongly oppose of this development. 6 stories is way too high and casts too much of a shadow over that side of the neighborhood. There is already higher density zoned areas that have been approved in the area. This will create too much congestion and traffic.

Jake H about 3 years ago

6 stories is good for density, the neighbouhood, and Edmonton.

RC about 3 years ago

I am opposed to increasing the building from 4 to 6 floors. The home owners in the area purchased their homes based on the City approving a 4 floor building. Increasing to 6 floors reduces the amount of sun to these homes and increases the amount of traffic/parking in the area. It is unfair to change now and the City should stand by the original proposal.

Dianne about 3 years ago

4 stories max, 6 stories are too tall. It adds too much traffic. Commercial retail space ok.

Premierfong about 3 years ago

Development should stay at 4 story maximum. All future buildings should fit in with the neighbourhood, with the buildings that already there. No exceptions.

Linda Euler-Willerton about 3 years ago

This is a terrible request as these buildings would topple over the residential homes. You are increasing the population density and deviating from the initially agreed plan. This is putting more stress of resources and traffic.

techwolf about 3 years ago

The proposed rezoning would negatively impact the neighborhood in many ways. One the impact on overall vehicular traffic and volume of parking inevitably caused by the increased density would cause a multitude of issues. One the density of such would provide a dangerous impact on children utilizing the area as the area is already a large draw for people as well as unchecked speeding issues. An increase in vehicles and population density would only boost this risk factor. Additionally the need for additional parking, vehicle traffic etc in the area would cause a strain on the residents as a whole with street parking swelling.

BrianM about 3 years ago

This seems entirely reasonable given the modest height variances being requested, its proximity to future transit, its proximity to a local commercial area, and the fact that it proposes a standard zone already in use in a comparable part of the neighborhood. There are a number of recent developments across the city with comparable zoning that have shown that six stories, with the required step backs, fits quite seamlessly into lower rise areas. This is a very reasonable proposal and I fully support it.

GG about 3 years ago

I believe strongly that density brings vibrancy to cities. I moved to Griesbach with the assumption that mixed density was part of the plan.

That site seems an ideal opportunity to introduce more density (more great neighbours, more support for local businesses, more local foot traffic on our paths and in our parks) to our lovely neighbourhood. It will have amazing transit (if we could just get our LRT, please!), good major road connections, and its location in a corner of the neighbourhood means limited traffic impact to most areas.

I’m in support of the rezoning. I would prefer to see more than 6 storeys if possible. My only concern is that the design be of a higher architectural standard than the recent development on Ad Astra, which visually is a disappointment. The two extra storeys might be more palatable for those opposed if the building is beautiful, rather than just meh.

Shelby Corley about 3 years ago

We just purchased house in Griesbach because of it’s unique landscape and feel.IT is different then the rest of the city and it should stay that way. If we knew something like this could happen we would never consider getting property here. Please do not allow this as everyone in Griesbach is disagreeing with this change. It will also bring house value down. You should keep Griesbach historical and unique as it should be . There is so much other land in Edmonton that they should use for 6 stories and up .

Dixi about 3 years ago

I wanted to share some feedback on the proposed zoning change at 5340 Admiral Girouard Street NW.

I have generally been supportive of zoning changes within the Griesbach community. The community was already planned with a variety of housing densities – I’ve seen some single-family home zoning changed to multi-family (varying densities), and I’ve been OK with that – including on a street (Juchli Avenue) adjacent to my home which shifted from single family homes to row housing (RF5g).

However, I do not support the proposed zoning change to the site noted above. As I understand it, the proposed rezoning is to RA8g (mid-rise multi-unit housing development up to 6 storeys in height, also allowing for the potential of childcare services, general retail stores, health services, professional/financial/officer support services).

Not only does it seem extremely tall for the existing residential area (will cast shadows throughout the area, including adjacent properties like mine), I’m significantly concerned that the size (and increased traffic noise and parking issues) will destroy the ambiance of our quiet residential neighbourhood…as has unfortunately been the case in other areas of Griesbach where large multi-family apartment developments have been approved.

I’m also seriously concerned about safety issues (not to mention noise) caused by increased traffic and speeding, particularly given that the roads in the area are so narrow, and because there are many young children in the area. Again, these same issues are being experienced by residents in the eastern sections of Griesbach where these large apartment developments have been built.

Given that there is supposed to be an LRT station and presumably other businesses in the SW corner of Griesbach, adding a large apartment/condo will only exacerbate traffic and parking issues in the area.

Let’s learn from the mistakes of the past, given the issues that these large multi-family apartment developments are already causing for residents in the eastern sections of Griesbach. Please do not allow this zoning change to be approved.

Crystal K about 3 years ago

As resident of Greisbach, I am strongly oppose

Narith hang about 3 years ago

With the recent tripleces built and the LRT pending to go up traffic is going to go up exponentially as it is. Rezoning will further increase congestion, traffic and noise. Similar issues can be seen in Griesbach Parade near Cha Time, where similar rezoning was completed. We bought in this area to raise our family, a 2 year old and hopefully another baby to be born in August. Please kindly reconsider.

Amy Tsang about 3 years ago

I object with the rezoning. The sun/shade study demonstrates there will be a direct impact on the properties adjacent to the site. The original four stories in the proposal would not have a direct impact on this. An additional two stories would also have a direct impact on the traffic flow and parking concerns. While parking restrictions have been relaxed (e.g. no guaranteed parking required) the fact is residents will still have additional vehicles. This volume would have been manageable with the original four stories; however, an additional two stories will directly impact this.

MK about 3 years ago

We absolutely disagree with this proposed rezoning. When we moved into the community, our understanding is that building would not be higher than 4 stories. We purchased out home in Griesbach Village for its historical "look and feel" and while we do not oppose a mix of single and multi-family dwelling, six stories is beyond the pale. There is already a huge issue with parking in the neighbourhood, and this proposal will make things so much worse with traffic congestion. Those of us in detached garage homes are already suffering a loss of privacy resulting from the increase in garage/carriage suites, and this new proposal will add to the decline of the neighborhood. We have made significant investments to be able to purchase a property in Griesbach, and we do not want to see our property value and those of our neighbors go down. Please consider that the proposal of the developer rests only on financial motives, but our opposition to it is based on our collective love and caring for this historical and amazing community. We sincerely hope you take our feedback into consideration and reject this application for rezoning. Thank you.

Nadira about 3 years ago

I am opposed to the rezoning of this land parcel. Before buying a property in the area, it was known that a mixed use area would be located on the undeveloped land. The Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan states "development may be up to four storeys" in the mixed use center. This plan should not be up for negotiation, especially as residents of the community purchased properties based on these plans. A six story apartment building does not complement the historic feel of Griesbach and it is an inappropriate building type to have in a residential area.

This seems like a financial opportunity for the developers and the city with no concern for the residents of the community. It also seems very "convenient" for this rezoning proposal to happen once the surrounding townhouses that will be directly impacted have sold. No one would have bought directly across from a proposed six story building. I would not have bought into this neighbourhood knowing that rezoning to more than four stories was a possibility.

There are many potential issues to the surrounding community due to this application for rezoning. Parking will become a larger issue in the community with a six story apartment building and the LRT development - people will park along the loop road and surrounding roadways to ride the LRT. Many occupants of a six story apartment and the townhouses will be parking along the loop road as well.  There is also the possibility of future potential transit routing along the loop road which would cause seasonal parking bans in the winter, further restricting parking. A six story wooden building also brings safety concerns of fire to the neighbourhood and does not ensure the safety of residents of the community. Sunlight will also be greatly impacted to the surrounding homes which needs to be considered, especially when considering how far a building like this should be set back from the road if rezoning is approved.

I am opposed to the rezoning of this land to a building more than four stories and feel that the opinions of the residents of Griesbach should be highly considered as a six story building is extremely unsettling to residents near this proposed development. The Griesbach NASP should not be changed. As stated in the Griesbach NASP & Zoning Amendments by Scheffer Andrew Ltd "in recent years, we have seen a decline in the development appetite for vertical mixed use." There is a reason for this. Proposing to increase dwellings from 150 to 374 on an already medium density street is illogical. Four stories increased to six stories is significant - that's 1.5 times the height it was ever intended to be!

Thank you for considering the negative implications a six story building would have to the surrounding community and please think of the individuals that this directly impacts when making your decision to rezone this land parcel.

:( about 3 years ago

This is a very inappropriate building type for a residential neighborhood. Many factors would make this proposed building an oversized eyesore for people who purchased nearby homes with a certain understanding of possible future development. 6 stories would absolutely overwhelm the neighborhood with congestion and would eliminate much natural light for neighbouring homes. Please stop this terrible plan before ruining the area.

D&L_Juchli_residents about 3 years ago

I am ONLY opposed to increasing the height of the building to 6 stories from 4 stories high. As to the rest of the development I would support it.

Richard about 3 years ago